40 : The Resistant

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Author's Note : Italics means the characters' thoughts and flashbacks or flashforword. Also to emphasize a phrase or a word.


[The Resistant's Base]

After they finished their mission they decided to return back to their base. They still have lots of work to do. Especially, where there is one specific mission they're trying to achieved.

As they enter their underground garage, a group of workers came to them to their aid. But they didn't need them. The only thing they need is a warm shower to relax their tiring bodies and to wash all the blood that's on them.

"WOAH~! What happened to you guys?" - a voice said that came behind them. They turned their backs and see their members/friends wearing black jumpsuits and black combat boots. They can see their friends are scanning them from head to toe while giving the weird looks. More like what-the-fuck-have-you-done-to-yourself look.

 More like what-the-fuck-have-you-done-to-yourself look

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Oh, hey guys...and this, we might of carried away just a little. Hehe ^////^" - Baekhyun said while scratching behind his head sheepishly. Some of them chuckled at Baekhyun's shy reaction but one just face-palm himself then sighed a little.

"Really guys, again? Didn't I told you to be a little more careful by using that dark side of yours. How many times do I have to tell you?" - the same as always the leader of their group would be scolding at his dear members, Suho.

"We're very sorry hyung, but I promise you we won't do that again." - Baekhyun said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah sure, I heard that before and you always say the same thing then do it all over again." - Suho then crosses his arms and having that stern face he always gives to his members especially to Baekhyun. There you see Suho and Baekhyun arguing back and forth while the guys are just laughing at them.

Meanwhile, that was going on, Lay approach Chen. "So...any luck?" -  he asked. Chen just shook his head. "No, same as always. Ji Hoo's armies are keep going taking young teenage boys part to their army and harassing girls in all age, expect the elderlies though." - as Chen finishes.

"Oh, I see," - Lay sighed.

Chen seems to notice something is bothering Lay, "What's wrong?" - Chen ask out of concern. Lay set out a small chuckle then looked back at Chen.

"It's been 2 years after Ji Hoo taken the whole entire country and there's no luck for us. We haven't able to breach in to their base and we still haven't able to pin point to find where Hyeri is or what she's up to." - Lay frustratingly said as he stroke his hair back irritatingly. Chen understand his frustration, he's going through the same thing.

"Hyung, I can understand what your feeling but what makes you think that we might never win this?" - Chen said with his arm crossed.

"I don't know, maybe it's because I'm already impatient of waiting." - Lay again took a hand full of his hair and stroke it back. "What do you think?"

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