42 : Creepy Hotel 2

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Author's Note : Italics means the characters' thoughts and flashbacks or flashforword. Also to emphasize a phrase or a word. And I really hope you guys comment at least something cause I really want to know your opinion.


[DemHai's group]

"URGH~!! These two really—do they think I'm their babysitter?!" - DemHai groan frustratedly and roughly stroking her hair back.

As for the four boys behind her, they just watch her with huh-confuse-face and listening how she rants how idiotically stupid those two are which they agree, walking back and forth in her own world. Xiumin came closer to Chen and whispered how are they going to deal with her. Cause he knows if anyone interrupts at whatever she's doing, she'll explode more. "So? What do we do now?" - Xiumin questioned.

The three boys slowly turned to Lay and gave him the face that he should do it. Lay gave them the look why-I-should-do-it. He tried his best to protest but because he's too nice, he can't say no when they giving him the puppy face. Before Lay proceed and try to calm down his angry and scary friend, he ask them why him. "It's because she's nicer to you and Suho..and Kris...and Luhan. I think that's it." - Xiumin paused for a moment to think is there anyone else but there isn't. Then Chen pointed back at Xiumin as to agreeing what he said.

"Good luck hyung!" - Zelo positively supported him while giving him the thumps up.

Lay sighed and straighten his back. Wish me luck. He carefully walked up to DemHai and cough to clear his throat to grab her attention. She looked behind her and saw Lay standing there nervously. "So what do we do?" - he kindly asked.

DemHai blinked multiple times then tapped her chin to think. After a couple minutes the boys seems to notice that she's calmer now. "YOSH! Let's get those two idiots back." - she confidently said.

"What about the meeting?" - Zelo worriedly asked as he followed them going back to find Chanyeol and Tao.

"Screw the meeting..we need to find our friends first!" - DemHai disses about the meeting, what's important to her is finding their friends and hope they are safe. But this is what they wanted, make them go running around inside the hotel aimlessly where's lots of traps are placed. This was planned since the beginning. The hotel isn't just an ordinary creepy hotel...the hotel was built for tourists or the citizens of South Koreans to check out and visit. This was very popular because it made you feel you were actually in a haunted hotel in a scary film.

But after the incident, things changed. They made some adjustments—making it double as scarier and dangerous. Of course, at the time the people wouldn't go that far to harm people just to scare them. This time it's a whole different story, which it involves life and death situation.

As all five of them ran back to search for other two boys, the people behind the scenes has already chosen their target.


[Lay's POV]

After abandoning our first objective, we quickly ran back to search our troublemaker friends. I know those two can be difficult to handle because how childish they act but I never thought they would try to separate from us. They should've known it's too dangerous. We don't know what we are dealing with. Especially Tao, he wouldn't go wander of by himself alone in this disturbing place. He gets scare too easily.

Then there's him, Chanyeol. Maybe he would do that, trying to get Tao's attention and scare the crap out of him but still they should know better. DemHai won't be too happy when she finds them. I couldn't imagine what she would do to them. I chuckled lightly cause how would their faces would be once they meet her wrath.

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