15 : The Building Shaking?

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(Chen's POV)

I can't believe my Eunnie is gonna let us to introduce the Kate Johnson. This very amusing. But, right now what's my mind is mostly thinking about is DemHai and Yiki. I couldn't stop thinking about them after what happen all 14 of us in the funeral.


It was finally that day has come. All of us would never thought this would happen. How could this ever happen? It was very gloomy day, and it looks like it's about to rain. Everyone was sobbing their eyeballs out. It was too much for everyone..including me.

It was too heartbreaking to find out the news about Hyeri.

She was everything for all of us. She would never fails to make someone to smile. No matter how moody or mad that person is, not even once fails to make a smile on someone's face.

But now I don't know what to say or express what I feel standing here in a ceremony, in a funeral of Hyeri's death.

After the ceremony, my parents, Hyeri's parents, the guys parents and DemHai and Yiki parents were going as for all of us were still standing there looking at the stone that has hyeri's name be written. I'm not gonna lie but I did cry. It was hard for us to accept the fact she's actually gone now and worse of all I didn't confess to her how I feel about her.

'Urg I'm such an idiot!'

It was just silents but expect hearing one each other crying. But that's when I thought maybe I should say something to cheer them up, even though I think it would be a bad idea. That's before DemHai butt in first before I could even say something.

"Neo! You bastard!" - DemHai

That's surprises me from what DemHai said, I just look straight into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with tears and it's all swollen and puffy. Not only that you can actually feel anger in her eyes, it's like she was gonna destroy you into little tiny pieces just by staring into her eyes.

"You should've protected her!" - DemHai

"DemHai stop it." - as Yiki softly pulling DemHai's right arm. But them DemHai yank away from Yiki grip hrashly.

"You had to go to one of your friend's house and 'play' video games!" - DemHai growl

"DemHai-ah please calm down, we can talk calmly. Today isn't the day to talk like that." - I'm trying to cool her off. But nope it made her worse.

"Calm down? Calm down! How can I calm down if it's your fault that Hyeri is DEAD!" - DemHai shouted as improvising the word 'dead'.

"DemHai noona, Jongdae hyung is right. You show calm down. Please? The adults are looking at us." - Chanyeol

"Shut up CHANYEOL! Mind your own business." - as DemHai growl back to Chanyeol.

He's now afraid of DemHai because how she responded to him. So he went behind at Sehun while DemHai went back to face me. Then everyone behind me step back as DemHai came closer to me and spoke up ode to my ear. And I would never forget what she said to me that day.

"Till this day forward, I don't want you or neither your friends come close to Yiki or ME. Especially I don't want to see your face ever again in my entire life. Never forget what I just said. Kim Jongdae~" - DemHai

As so when all of us went back to school we would see them sometimes and it was very difficult for all 12 of us not be with them. Those two were like our sisters that can never be separated from us. Aish it made hard for us to not worry about them. But I had to respect DemHai's wish...so we never saw her ever again.

*Flashback End*

After thinking from what happening in the past about DemHai and Yiki it still worries me till today. But it doesn't matter because what's matter is that Lay hyung right is really not looking himself. His left leg is keep shaking as he butting his nails. Wae? Is he nervous to met Kate Johnson?

So I went up to Lay hyung and I guess he didn't notice me when I sat next to him.

"Hyung? Bwoya! Are you nervous just to meet Kate Johnson?" - as I giving off a smirk on my face.

"Chen it's not too late that we can go back. Please I'm telling you we should go back!" - Lay hyung

"Haha why? Dude this once in a life time. We are gonna meet the richest daughter of the Johnson's family. This is a big hit." - when I grab the back of his neck.

"Ya Chen-ah! Jebal! I'm telling you this isn't a good idea, you don't know what your getting yourself and all of us into." - Lay hyung

"Pssh ~ hyung are you ok? Man, you sound so paranoid. Dude calm down."

"I warned you, later on you would say that I am right." - Lay hyung

Then I can hear him mumbling himself. Now this hyung is kinda making me scare. What is he talking about? Before I could ask, Eunnie came in.

"Guys, she's here. She is actually outside this classroom so wait so I can bring her here. Ok?" - Eunnie

"Ne!" - everyone said in unison expect for Lay hyung.

As so everyone was looking straight at the door waiting for them to come in. And I can't believe from what I'm seeing. The minute she came in , I saw her face slowly vanish the smile she had in her face. The guys look at her then at me then back to her again. Isn't she the one I chased her like three times? Not only that but---

"Hyeri? Is that you?"

She didn't respond back. What's going on? Why does she looks exactly from every inch of her face as Hyeri? Can anyone please explain me about this? Then I look back Eunnie with a confuse face. It seems she also doesn't know what's going on. So I ask again..

"Hyeri, is it rea---" - but couldn't say anything because Hyeri or Kate has cut me off.

"Shhhh!" - Kate/Hyeri

Then she tilt her head into one side, like if she was concentrating to listen something. But what? Then suddenly she said something.

"We need to get out of here!" - as soon as she said that. The whole building started to shake. Above us, sand or maybe could be the payment were coming out. Then something unsuspectedly happen that I would thought it would happen.

I know all of us heard an explosion and it sounds like it was beneath us and that's when I know everything went completely black. I couldn't feel, or hear what's happen to me or the others. Only complete darkness that was on my conscience.

So what happen? Am I dead?

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