Chapter 1

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3rd person's POV

"Legolas" Thranduil calmly called his son as he waved his advisors off.

"Yes father?" Legolas looked at his father with a smile

"Since the war has ended, I want you to stay put in our home. Relax." Legolas father said

"I don't think I can do that" Legolas said while smiling as he clean his bow and arrows "I got used of the outside world, I don't think I could stay put"

Thranduil gave him a slight nod and said "Just get yourself ready. Someone is visiting us from the Lothlorien woods"

"Lothlorien woods? We have a special visitor coming?" he asked, a little confused

"Yes. Make sure to look presentable" Thranduil said and finally walked inside the castle tree

Legolas shrugged and continued cleaning his bow


"Father" Legolas greeted his father

Thranduil greeted him " you look good today"

"Do I not look good everyday?" Legolas said in a teasing tone

His father laughed "You look good everyday but you look BETTER today" He said

Thranduil, Legolas' father, is the Mirkwood Elf King, The northern woodland realm. He is a respected leader among elves and known to be a great warrior.

Legolas, the elven prince, slowly shook his head

"Your highness. May I present you the elves from the Lothlorien woods"

Legolas looked around and saw a lot of new faces in the castle "How come I couldn't recognize them?"

"They are from the light chamber. They serve The light princess" Thanduriel answered

"Light princess?" Legolas asked in wonder. Never did he heard of the Light princess. No elf told him about an elven princess from Lothlorien woods except--

"She's the daughter of Lady Galadriel, Lady of light, and Lord Celeborn, Lord of Lothlorien, who'll someday took the place of her mother" Thranduil said as he looked at the visitors wearing white expensive clothing, all were glowing from the moonlight

"I have never heard of Lady Galadriel having another daughter, I only know about Arwen's mother Celebrian. I didn't even saw her when we visited Lothlorien" Legolas said confusely "Even the scrolls never mentioned anyone"

"A great threat of darkness roamed within the territory of elves, she was kept hidden and safe, away from the evil, away from the people" Thranduil explained while smiling at the passing elves

As the two royal elves talked about the mysterious princess, one man approached them and bowed "Your highness. May I present you, the light princess of the Lothlorien woods, Lady Yulier"

A girl with a long white hair, sprinkled with little diamonds, covered in a silver cloak, wearing a white dress made with beautiful elvish material, light blue eyes and pale skin, stood in front of them.

Comparing to her Elder sister, Celebrian, Yuiler's hair is much more whiter to looked at. Scratch that-- Her hair is much more whiter than all of the elves that existed

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you King Thanduriel" Yulier said as she removed her hood and bowed

"A good evening to you milady" Thanduriel bowed his head "This is my only son, the elven prince of Mirkwood realm, Legolas Greenleaf"

Yulier looked at Legolas and bowed her head "I have heard a lot of stories about you. It is nice to finally meet you in person"

Legolas bowed his head "I am honored to meet someone like you lady Yulier"

"Excuse me" Legolas father tapped his shoulder and walked right in the center "Everyone. I am glad that you could all come to this celebration. We are here to celebrate the engagement between my son and lady Yulier of the Lothlorien woods" he announced with a glass of glittering wine in his hand

Everyone clapped their hands except for Legolas who is shocked and Yulier who kept quiet for a while

"Your father may have shocked you. I'll take my leave for now." Yulier bowed her head once again and slowly walked out from the scene with an elf by her side

"Father. What's the meaning of this?" Legolas finally asked his father "I am not informed that I am getting married"

"Son. You're at the right age to marry an elf woman and Lady Galadriel was looking for her daughter's match. The light princess needs someone to be with, her mother asked me to have your hand for her daughter knowing that you'll take care of her." Thanduriel said and patted his son's shoulder "Go find her and entertain her. We don't leave a lady behind."

Legolas sighed "This is absurd father" he said and went to find Yulier

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