Chapter 4

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They safely travel through the borders of Mirkwood. Legolas was quite surprised that they weren't attacked by large black spiders like before.

'You can decline anytime you want Lady Yulier. Tauriel was the only one who was able to get Legolas' attention as a she-elf' Yulier remembered the King's word

"Lady Yulier?" Tauriel called

Yulier looked at Tauriel "Yes?"

"We were just talking about where we will go. We decided to go to the Mines of Moria. There are dwarves in there that Legolas wanted to see. Are you okay with that?" Tauriel said while smiling

Yulier nodded "It's okay for me. Let's go" She said while smiling

They have reached the borders of Moria, it looked much more appealing than before when there was a war in Middle-earth, there where dwarves walking around, back and forth, carrying woods, and metals. Some are fixing the entrance itself. It was quite fascinating sight to see

'There are so many dwarves!'
Yulier thought excitedly as she look around and watch them

"It is much more welcoming than the last time I came here" Legolas said as he looked around

"Then let's go and visit your friend" Tauriel smiled excitedly

Yulier watched the two as they walked to come inside, her look focused on Tauriel

'Milady. Lady Tauriel didn't mind Prince Legolas' feeling for her and had fallen inlove in a dwarf during the war ages ago, they said that the dwarf died and it left a wound in her heart' Yulier remembered what Elena said

"She fell out of love" she whispered

"Yulier?" Legolas called

Yulier looked up and saw Legolas standing ahead of her with Tauriel

"Oh. I'm sorry" she smiled "I spaced out too much. Let's go?" She walked ahead of the two and go inside the mines

"Legolas!" A dwarf happily walked towards Legolas

"Gimli!" Legolas kneeled to meet his friend's height and they man hugged each other "It's nice to see you old friend" Legolas smiled proudly and stood up

"It's been years since we saw each other. How have you been?" Gimli asked as they walked together

"I've been feeling well" Legolas looked around "The mines of Moria have improved so much"

"Of course." Gimli said proudly "We trade mythril for materials to rebuild this beautiful mines, and it improved so much"

"I can see it" Legolas smiled

"Who are you with?" Gimli asked

They stopped for a minute

"This Tauriel, a friend of mine for a long time, we've been fighting orcs for a long long time" Legolas said while smiling "And this is Yulier"

The two she-elf put their hands on there left chest and bowed

'Just plain Yulier' Yulier thought sadly

"You have beautiful companions with you, my friend. Who are you going to marry with the two of them? Both perhaps?" Gimli said while laughing, clearly joking

Legolas just laughed, Tauriel smiled and Yulier blushed a little

"Come. I shall welcome you, let's have a feast" Gimli said as they continued to walk

"You're in a journey you say?" Gimli said

"Yes. We've just passed to the borders of Mirkwood and we've decided to meet you" Legolas said as he drink

"It's good that you decided to meet me here" Gimli said then he turned to Yulier "I've been wondering. You looked like Lady Galadriel, are you somehow related to her?"

Yulier smiled at Gimli "She's my mother"

Gimli's eyes widen "Forgive me for being rude" he kneeled "I am sorry I didn't greeted you in a respective way"

"No. It's okay." Yulier smiled "Please stand up, you don't need to be so formal"

Gimli looked at Legolas "A friend you say Legolas? You didn't tell me she's Lady Galadriel's daughter" he huffed

Legolas just smiled at his friend

"It's not his fault, master dwarf" Yulier said "He doesn't need to introduce me as my mother's daughter"

"But you're a princess. You need to be respected by everyone" Gimli continued to argue

Yulier tensed up as she heard the words 'need to be respected by everyone'

She sighed and said "I do not need to be respect, I don't need everyone to be formal to me, I want to be a normal elf just for once" she stood up "I am sorry but I have lost my appetite. Please excuse me" she walked away from the scene

Tauriel followed the princess by gaze

"I did something wrong didn't I?" Gimli said feeling as if he was bathe in cold water

"Yes you did Gimli" Legolas stood up "Excuse me" He walked towards the exit

"Good" Gimli said as if he won

Tauriel looked at Gimli confusely

"Can I talk to you lass?" Gimli asked Tauriel "I was hoping to talk to you privately"

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