Chapter 12

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"I will take the first watch princess" Alhor said

"Okay. Wake me up if it's my turn" Yulier said as she lay down in the grass

After a long journey in a day, they decided to rest for the night into to the planes as soon as the sun went down

Yulier closed her eyes and remembered what her mother give her for her journey 'Yulier, I changed all of the things you will need in your journey including your weapons, those weapons are made in the minerals of Lothlorien and blessed by me, they are very light and easy to handle, your clothes are Lothlorien made clothes, especially made just for you. I hope you will have a safe journey, remember Yulier do not fall into darkness for it will be the death of you'

She was dreaming about her mother when suddenly Alhor wake her up

"Princess" Alhor called

Yulier woke up "Is it my turn already?"

"No. But there are creatures I do not know about, they are roaming not far away from here" Alhor said

Yulier sat up and looked at the west direction, thanks to their elven eyes they could see far.

"What are those?" she asked

"They are not orcs. I cannot see clearly in the dark but I know they are not orcs" Alhor said

"They're having a camp in a middle of the planes" Yulier said "Hide" she murmured

They hide behind the big rocks

"They appear to be in man form" Yulier described "they don't have any armors, just simple clothings, weird drawings in their skins, and accessories in their faces"

"I do not know of a creature like that" Alhor murmured

"Elrond said that they are out of middle-earths border. But where? What are they called?" Yulier asked out of curiosity "They have sharp weapons, bows and arrows. Their weapons are leaking with poison. Very deadly"

"You can see through that?" Alhor asked in amazement

"Of course. I'm special remember?" She smiled

Alhor just shook his head "Should we attack them?"

"No" Yulier said "We'll follow them. It looks like their senses are not that great, they don't know we are watching them"

"They even made a fire in a middle of a plane. Do they wish to be caught?" Alhor asked

"Maybe they're just fools or confident" Yulier said "You continue your watch. I'll sleep" Yulier tapped Alhor shoulders

"Yes. Princess"

By dawn the unknown group continue their journey to the west, Yulier and Alhor followed them in a long distance, barefoot they followed the unknown creatures

"Where are they going?" Alhor asked "Rohan?"

"Is this the way to Rohan?" Yulier asked

Alhor answered "There is a way through here to get to Rohan" Alhor looked around "Look! There's a small village"

"They're going to attack the village" Yulier said

The two elves quickly run and hide, they have reached the village, where the unknown group started to kill

Every villagers starting to scream, escape, ask for help

"Are we not going to help them?" Alhor asked

"We need to see what they can do" Yulier said

They watched how the unknown group kills, just like what Yulier said their weapons are leaking with poison, once it stabbed a man the poison easily spread into the body leaving a purple color in the skin.

They we're some who harass women, children and after that they'll kill them

burning village, women cries, man being stabbed it is too cruel to watch

"We should help them!" Alhor murmured "Let's capture one to ask information"

Yulier nodded "Okay"

The both of them gripped the bow tightly and silently get an arrow from their backs

Yulier aimed perfectly right into the creature's neck, Alhor hit the head

They caught the attention of the others, they hide and aim in their direction

Yulier and Alhor hid behind the two trees

"We cannot hit them if they continue to hit us and hide" Yulier said "Cover me"

"What?" Alhor asked unbelievably

"I can manage don't worry" Yulier said with a smile

Alhor sighed and nodded, he stood up and tried to hit the creatures

Yulier run towards where the creatures are hiding, she blocked the arrows coming towards her by using her two swords. Alhor covered her by attacking from long range.

Yulier reached her destination and started to attack them one by one, she avoid to be stabbed by the weapons, Alhor run next to her and cover her back

Yulier's swing was very graceful and clean, it's like she was dancing

"Elves!" One of the creature shouted

"Alhor. Save the villagers! I'll handle them" Yulier said and look around

"Okay. Be safe!"Alhor said and run to help the other villagers

"She-elf" one of the creature called

Yulier looked at the creature "What are you?" She asked

"We are called Orlocs, we have returned in behalf of our Lord Ulroc, one of the five wizards who had fallen to darkness, we are brothers with orcs" The orloc said smirking

"You do not look like an orc to me" Yulier said

"We do not because we are much stronger than them" they started to attack the princess but she resisted she killed them one by one

"You have a wonderful skill of observation, avoiding our weapons with poisons huh?" An orcloc said

"Be quiet and let me kill you" Yulier attacked the orloc quickly "You have killed many innocent men, harassed women and children and I am not going to show you mercy" Yulier said in an angry tone then she killed another orloc leaving one behind

The orloc tried to escape but Yulier is quick, she hold her bow and arrow and aim for it's legs, the orloc quickly falls in the grass

"Now tell me, why have you come in middle-earth?" Yulier asked

"We have come for the death of Lord Sauron. Lord Ulroc will once resurrect him and evil will be once upon all of you" The orloc laugh

Yulier stabbed it's chest "Evil will not come again to this land" she said

"There are villagers who survived" Alhor said as he walked towards Yulier "They are all terrified"

"Did they have elsewhere to go?" Yulier asked

"No" Alhor answered while shaking his head "I'm afraid they don't have elsewhere to go"

Yulier sighed "We must find them a safe place to stay" She said "Tell them to pack up. We're leaving"

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