Chapter 8

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"You know what Legolas and Tauriel said is true. We cannot risk you to go" Elrond said as he walked in circle

"Havo dad Elrond" Yulier said

Elrond took a seat and looked at her "You do understand right?" He asked

"Yes, I understand" Yulier said and put her hand in her forehead "It's clear to me that it is dangerous but as I have said I will go"

"I don't think Lady Galadriel will be happy about this" Elrond said

"She won't be happy but she cannot say no anymore, she already gave me her word" Yulier said

"Are you really sure? You've been suffering enough in the chamber of Light, it would be horrible experience to you if you go in a war" Elrond said in a worried tone

"Do not worry brother. I assure you my safety" Yulier said and stood up

Yulier sat infront of a mini water falls and a pond, knowing that no one will notice her there she decided to stay there for a while

'You do not much have experience in a battle'

'You're the light princess, we cannot risk you to go'

Words rang to her head, she felt pain from those word

She looked up to the sky "Am I that nuisance to them?"

She wanted to prove herself to them, she wanted to go so badly

"Miss? Are you okay?" A voice caught her attention she looked back

She saw an elf, he have black hair, and green eyes. She remembered he's part of the gathering

"Yes. I am fine" Yulier said

"But your tears" the elf started

Yulier noticed that she's crying "Oh" she touched her tears and wipe it away "I'm sorry you have to see that"

"It's fine. Do you mind if I accompany you for a while?" The elf asked

Yulier was shocked, there are no formalities coming from the elf, he look straight into her eyes she knows that the elf standing infront of her knows that she's the light princess, she knows it. She felt so normal that time

"No, I do not. Please, be my guest" Yulier said

The elf sat beside her "So, what is the reason why a pretty princess like you cried?" He asked

"I do not wish to share it. I'm sorry" Yulier said

"Oh, It's okay. I'm sorry to ask you something you don't want to remember" the elf said "By the way I'm Alhor son of Eron, and this is my home, Rivendell"

"It is nice to meet you Alhor. I know that you know me already" Yulier smiled at him

"Of course. You are the Light princess, Yulier. You already introduced yourself earlier" Alhor said

Yulier smiled "Yes, yes I did"

There was a silence between them, and they just stayed that way. Yulier felt comfortable in her company so she doesn't need to talk anymore. They just watch the sunset on the horizon

"It is getting dark. We need to go back" Alhor said and stood up, he extended his right hand to the princess "Shall we go milady?"

Yulier smiled and said "Okay" she put her hands in his and they started to walk back

"Milady? Your food is here" An elf walked inside the room holding a tray of food

"Thank you" Yulier smiled

"Is it really okay not to eat with the others?" The elf asked worriedly

"I'm fine by myself. You can go now" Yulier said

The elf bowed and leave the room

Yulier just ate quietly.

After Alhor accompany her to her room she decided to have dinner in her room, she is not yet ready to see the others after what she have acted earlier

After eating an elf walked in and took her tray And leave

Yulier decided to walk in her balcony and look outside

The night was beautiful, the cold breeze touch her cold skin she felt a sudden relaxation

she opened her eyes and saw Legolas with Tauriel in the ground, they were happily talking and looking at the view

Yulier looked at them with sad eyes

suddenly Legolas looked at Tauriel and brushed her fallen hair out of her cheeks

Yulier's tears started to fall one by one. She ran into her bed and started to weep, she hold the fabric so tighly and cried her eyes out

"Why does it hurt so much?" She asked to herself "Why.."

she felt so forlorn. She felt empty. She felt alone.

She sat up in her bed and wipe all her tears away "This is enough" she said to herself

She stood up and changed her clothes, she picked up her swords, daggers, bow and arrows. and lastly she put on her cloak

She have decided to go, alone if she have to.

She fixed herself, she took a paper, a pen and wrote a letter for Elrond only

She looked one last time in the mirror and walked out of her room

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