Chapter 24

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"I have all the troops ready" Aragorn said "The kingdom of Rohan are waiting for my signal"

All was quietly listening to Aragorn's words

"Won't the elves helped with this war?" Gimli asked

"We do not know yet, it is still the Lords wishes if they want to get involve or not" Legolas answered "How about the dwarves? They have not fight since the five armies war"

Gimli shook his head "They are all too busy for war"

"So for now, only the men of Gondor and Rohan will fight" Tauriel said

"We still have days to prepare" Aragorn said

"Are there news about the orlocs?" Yulier asked

"There were a lot of armies of orlocs in the depths of Mordor, waiting for us" Aragorn said "I'm afraid there are thousands of Orlocs that we have to kill, so we need a lot of army for this"

Yulier slowly nodded and started to think of her parents

"There is still something out there we do not meet yet" Aragorn said "Lord Ulroc, one of the five great wizards who fell into darkness and swore his vengeance to the death of his Master Sauron and Saruman. We do not know what he can do"

"I wish Gandalf was here" Gimli said sadly

"He is at the undying lands right now with Bilbo and Frodo" Legolas said

"The place where you can go but you can't go back" Tauriel said as she sighed "Would Lord Thranduil help with us?" She asked

Legolas think a second and looked at Aragorn "My father can participate in this, would you let me go to talk to him to fight?"

Aragorn nodded "Of course. I will let everything ready"

"I wish to come with him too" before Yuriel can talk Tauriel already volunteer

Aragorn nodded and looked at Yulier "What about you Lady Yulier?" He asked

Yulier smiled and said "I don't need to come. I shouldn't leave this land for now, you will need my advices. Legolas and Tauriel can manage to go back to Mirkwood"

Aragorn nodded and talked to the other guards to prepare the things that Legolas and Tauriel may need on their journey back to Mirkwood

Yulier walked back to her room, feeling a little ill

"It's affecting me"she said as she put her hand to her tummy "Please, don't make this hard for me"


She quickly fixed herself and looked at Legolas that is ready to go "Hey" she smiled

"Are you okay?" He asked and put his hand on cheek

"Yes. I'm fine" she closed her eyes and hold Legolas hands

"I am glad that you decided to stay here." he hugged her "At least I get to know you're okay" he kissed her temple

"Don't worry when you get back here, I'm the one who's going to welcome you back" Yulier said with a smile

Legolas smiled and said "that's a relief" he kissed her on the lips "Are you sure you okay? You look ill" he said

"I'm fine. I'm just a little ill but I'll be okay, I just need a little rest" Yulier said with a smile

"Are you sure? I'm sorry I have to leave in this situation" Legolas said in a sad tone

Yulier let out a small laugh "Don't worry. I'm fine" she gave him a quick peck on the lips "Now go"

Legolas stood up and kissed her temple "I'll see you again. I love you"

Yulier smiled sweetly and said "I love you too"

the next three days, Legolas hasn't still comeback from Mirkwood along with Tauriel

Yulier and Aragorn we're talking about the plan for the upcoming war when a guard interrupted

"Your majesty"the guard bowed "King Aragorn, someone is asking for Lady Yulier"

"Someone?" Aragorn asked and looked at Yulier

The guard nodded "Yes sir, an elf"

"Did he gave you his name?" Aragorn asked

The guard shook his head "No, your majesty"

"Let the elf in" Yulier said

The guard looked at the King for permission

Aragorn nodded "Follow her orders" he said

the guard walked back outside and a few minutes an elf entered the throne room

The elf put off his hood and bowed to Aragorn "I thank you for letting me in your palace King Aragorn" he then looked af Yulier "Lady Yulier" he bowed "Lady Galadriel is asking for your presence, she wished to talk to you right now" the elf said with an intense tone

Yulier stood straight and proud not flinching on every words the elf lets out "I am aware that she wanted to talk to me but I cannot leave now, now that the war is knocking at our door"

"It is your mother's orders to get you home. NOW! With or without your will, you are coming with us Lady Yulier" the elf said in an authorative voice

Aragorn was about to talk when Yulier stopped him "Fine. I'll come" she looked at Aragorn "Will you manage here? I'll be gone for a few days from now but I'll try to come back as soon as possible" she quickly walked towards the elf

"I can manage here Lady Yulier, Don't worry" Aragorn said

Yulier nodded and walked with the elf

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