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It's already 9 months, Yulier's baby bump can be seen in her white long dress, she is now wearing a circlet on her head a symbol of her being the Light princess

She held her baby bump and looked outside, she cannot go down and walked around for she brings something heavy with her, she cannot walk for that long

"Tell me if you're going to go out" Yulier said, talking to her baby "I am getting excited, I wonder how would you come out? Are you a boy or a girl?" Yulier smiled happily

Legolas decided to walk around Lothlorien to have some fresh air so Yulier was left alone in the house

She decided to walk in the balcony to inhale some fresh air when.. she felt a water coming out of her and her tummy started to ache. Yulier reached for something to hold on to "ELENA!" She called

Elena came rushing inside the room "Yes, princess?" She asked

"the baby's coming!" Yulier said, pain can be read all over her face

Elena quickly helped Yulier to get on the bed and after that she called the doctor , Lady Galadriel, Lord Celeborn and lastly Legolas

Legolas was walking peacefully at the woods when a she-elf came running to her

"Elena?" He looked at Elena

"Prince Legolas! Your wife! The baby is coming" Elena announced

Legolas' eyes widen, he then quickly run towards their house

When Legolas reached their home he can hear her wife's shout

Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn stood beside him, holding each other's hands, being pained at Yulier's words and shout

Legolas attempted to go inside the room but Lord Celeborn stopped him "You cannot go inside Legolas" He said "It is not required for the father to go inside. Don't worry she'll be okay"

A few hours later, Yulier was still shouting out of pain. Legolas was walking around getting worried every single second

"LEGOLAS! AAH!" she shouted

Legolas flinched and looked at the door

"Stay put Legolas" Thandruil said "You cannot go inside"

Legolas turned his head towards his father "Father" They greeted each other "When did you come?" He asked

"Just now. I heard she was delivering the child now, I came as quickly as possible" Thandruil said "How long has she been inside?"

"A few hours now" Lord Celeborn answered

The whole house turned quiet

"Is it done?" Legolas asked

Elena walked inside the room to check what's happening

"Is she okay?" Legolas asked

"She will be fine son" Thandruil said

The elf doctor came out of the room with a smile "The baby is healthy and so as the mother, they are both resting inside. You may now go and see them"

They excitedly entered the room

Legolas saw Yulier sleeping on the bed peacefully, the baby was being held by Elena, shushing the baby's cries. He quickly walked towards the baby

"Congratulations Prince Legolas. It's a boy" Elena said with a smile and hand it to Legolas

Legolas carry the baby gently, he caress its cheeks with his finger, feeling its smooth​ skin. Legolas looked up to his father and smiled "He looked like me"

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