Chapter 20

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(A/N: So this is going to be the sex scene)

Legolas lay Yulier down on the grass while kissing her deeply

Yulier responded to Legolas' kisses, silently wishing that he will not stop

Legolas slowly took off her Rohan maiden clothes and placed it near them, after that he took off his tunic shirt and continued kissing Yulier

Now Yulier was laying down naked infront of Legolas

Legolas looked at her with admiration, her body was so pure, clean and white. He put his forehead on the grass beside Yulier's head "This is wrong" he murmured "We shouldn't do this, you're the light princess, I cannot do this to you, you're still going to be married to your match"

Yulier hugged Legolas "Be my match Legolas. I do not care anymore, take me" she cupped Legolas face and kissed him

Legolas kissed her in her neck and by doing so, his hands were traveling in her body, caressing every part of her

"Take me" Yulier moaned

Legolas silently obliged and removed his remaining clothes. He slowly grinded his member in her wet core, slowly letting the tip enter her untouched core.

Yulier groaned in pain as Legolas slowly slid his member inside her tight cave. It feels like she's being sliced into two. She flinched, Legolas noticed her expression and slowly gave her a kiss make her feel at ease

"Bear with me Yulier" Legolas murmured as he kissed her tears away

Yulier nodded and hugged Legolas. She closed her eyes tightly and let Legolas take over.

There was a little light around them, it's like there was a holy ritual happening.

Legolas let out a small groan as he entered her fully. He closed his eyes and felt her tight and hot cave.  A few more seconds Legolas' broke he started to move his hips letting his member dug inside her, harder and deeper

"Haa..Haa.." Yulier moaned looking at Legolas face "Legolas.. hmm.."

Legolas looked at Yulier with admiration, she looks so beautiful. It's like her whole body is glowing

"Yulier..." he moaned, he kissed her deeply as he pump himself, he let his tongue slip in to her mouth

"Nngh..." Yulier moaned

Legolas kisses fell down from her neck to her bare breast, he sucked, lick and caress her breast

Yulier hold onto the grass tightly for she felt so full and overwhelming

Legolas pump faster and hold onto the grass for balance "I am near to my zenith"

"Legolas.. haa.. aahh... nggf.. I'm reaching.. haaa..." Yulier tightly closed her eyes and placed her hands above her head "haaa.. I'm... It's... haaa..." after a few thrust she exploded along with Legolas "You're inside me" she panted "Legolas" she hugged him weakly "I love you"

Legolas was just silent, taking a deep breath he removed his member from her "You should rest" he lay down beside her and hugged her tightly "Goodnight" he kissed her temple

"Thank you Legolas" she snuggled in Legolas' bare chest, smelling his natural scent "Goodnight" she closed her eyes

There is no doubt in Yulier's heart, she loved it when they made love but on the other hand Legolas, was the only elf who is still confused

Yulier woke up in the bed early, she has questioning look for she could not remember going back to the castle

"princess" Alhor called

Yulier looked at Alhor "Hey. Good morning" she smiled

"You were out last night? Where did you go?" Alhor asked

Yulier blushed "Went out for a walk" she answered

Alhor smiled "Were you that tired of walking that Legolas have to carry you all the way back here?"

Yulier looked at Alhor "I slept when we were enjoying the view"

Alhor faked a cough and smiled "Oh really?"

"Stop intruigin me" Yulier said shyly

Alhor let out a small laugh "Aragorn said that I should get you to the throne room as soon as you woke up"

Yulier's eyes widen "Why didn't you say so?" She stood up "Let me fix myself first"

"Understood" Alhor gave a small bow and walked out

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