Chapter 27

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"We are from Lothlorien woods. I am Elandir. With the Lady's orders we have come to help you" the leader spoke

Aragorn and the other elves greeted them with welcome

"Didn't Lady Yulier come with you?" Gimli asked

The elves turned their gaze to the dwarf. Elandir smiled and hopped from his horse then he carry the elf from the back of his horse

The elf removed her cloak and gave it to Elandir. Yulier smiled at Elandir and said her thanks in elvish.

"Lady Yulier!" The other exclaimed

"Hello" she greeted with a smile "I am sorry I'm late"

Legolas quickly run towards her and hugged her "I was so worried"

Yulier smiled and hugged Legolas back "I have missed you too"

Legolas quickly kissed Yulier's lips "You've been gone for so long. What happened?" He looked straight into her eyes

"I have to fix some things" Yulier smiled

"Come on now love birds! We have to talk a lot of things" Gimli said

"Their army have gone larger" Aragorn said as he pointed on the map "I think they'll attack tonight"

"We should get the troops ready" Eomer said

They talked about how to get ready, the strategy they'll do for the war
after the meeting Yulier decided to take a rest on her room

She touched her tummy "How can I tell your father about this baby? There is an upcoming war, I do not want you to get involve but I do not want to back out as well. Please forgive me, bear with me till this war ends baby, then after that I'll assure you that you, me and your father will be happy"

She closed her eyes and tried to feel the life inside her

"Grandma?" Aralien peeked inside the room

Yulier looked at Aralien and smiled "Hey there. Come here"

Aralien climbed up to Yulier's bed and hugged Yulier "Why aren't you still sleeping grandma?"

Yulier smiled and kissed the kid's temple "Grandma is still thinking about something"

"What is it?" Aralien asked innocently

"Can you keep a secret?" Yulier murmured

Aralien nodded excitedly

"Grandma is pregnant" Yulier said with a smile "There's a baby coming"

Aralien hugged Yulier "You're going to be a mommy?"

Yulier nodded teary-eyed "Yes. You're going to have a Uncle or Auntie"

Aralien poked Yulier's tummy "when is she coming?"

Yulier laughed "after 8 months" she kissed Aralien at the cheeks "Keep it a secret okay?"

Aralien nodded and smiled, he put his pointing fingers into his lips "It's a secret"

Yulier laughed and started to tickle Aralien
"Arwen. You have to go to Lothlorien" Yulier said to her niece "It is not safe here, especially to Aralien."

Arwen nodded "I understand"

Aragorn hugged his family

"I will give you an escort back to Lothlorien I assure you your safeness there, Mother would be delighted to see the two of you" Yulier said "Gregory. Kahl" Yulier callef

Two elves walked towards their direction

Yulier talked to them in elvish, giving them instructions and turned to look at Arwen "They're the ones who are going to escort you. You'll be safe there"

"Will you not come with us grandma?" Aralien asked

Yulier shook her head "Grandma needs to help here" she hugged her grandson and kissed his temple, she murmured a prayer

Yulier stood up and hugged Arwen "Be safe" she murmured and kissed her temple

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