Chapter 10

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"Where is our next destination then ?" Alhor asked

"To Lorien, my home" Yulier answered

"You want to go home?" Alhor said "I thought you're going to do the task?"

Yulier looked at Alhor "I am. I just need to have a consultation with my mother so that Elrond and the others wouldn't slap in my face that I'm the light princess and I should just seat in my throne and do nothing"

Alhor let out a small chuckle "Then what are you going to do if your mother didn't want you to go?"

"She would not break her words. She already said that I have my own will now" Yulier said

"And what is the prize you have to pay?" Alhor asked

Yulier sighed "Nothing"

'You have been released from the Chamber of light, you have your own will and freedom, you can do anything you want but you have to find your match and after you have your own satisfaction you will take my place as the Lady of the Woods, you will bear my burden and protect your people' Yulier closed her eyes as she remembered her Mother's words

"We should go now" Legolas said as he hopped to his horse "We can make it to her"

"There is no need to be hasty Legolas, calm yourself" Aragorn said

Tauriel patted Legolas shoulder "Calm down"

Legolas just looked around, he is feeling so restless without Yulier. Danger could be anywhere and he's not even by her side to protect her.

"She's just alone in the woods" Gimli said worriedly

"She's not alone" Everyone looked to Elrond who is standing before them "Someone said that Alhor accompany her with her journey"

"Alhor?" Legolas asked

Elrond nodded "He is one of my greatest warriors here in Rivendell, I can assure you that she's safe"

Aragorn nodded "Then we shall go now"

Elrond bowed his head and watched the others to go in their journey

"Who is this Alhor Lord Elrond speaks of?" Legolas asked to Aragorn

"Alhor, son of Eron, he was once a great soldier fighting along side with Lord Elrond himself. I have met him once or twice and all I can say that he have a kind heart" Aragorn answered

"She's safe then?" Tauriel asked who is seating behind Legolas

"I hope so" Aragorn said

"I am sure she can handle herself, one look and I know that she's a strong woman like her mother" Gimli said who is sitting behind Aragorn "We may not know how well she can do in battle but she has a strong heart like Lady Galadriel"

"That's right" Aragorn nodded and looked at Legolas "Do not worry too much"

Legolas nodded and just kept quiet in the journey

Alhor and Yulier traveled safely to Lorien, they quickly go to Lothlorien to meet her mother and father

"Lady Yulier" everyone was shocked "We thought that you're still in Mirkwood, what are you doing here milady?"

Yulier hopped off of her horse "I have come to talk to my mother" she looked up at the castle that is hanging on a big trees "I know that she knows I'm here"

"Without an escort and a servant?" An elf asked

Yulier pointed Alhor "He's my escort here, I came from Rivendell"

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