Chapter 6

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Yulier woke up early feeling groggy, she felt her head beat in pain, she held her head and closed her eyes tightly. After a minute the pain passed away and she looked around

She saw Gimli and Tauriel sleeping peacefully and Legolas is nowhere to be found

Yulier stood up and looked around but there is no sign of Legolas at all. She decided to walk in the woods looking for a pond

As she saw one she took her clothes off and slowly walked in the water. She cleaned herself in the pond, feeling relaxed and peaceful

Light appeared around her, circling around her, speaking to her in a small voice she responded to them, talking and giggling

"Yulier!" She heard Legolas' voice not so far away from her direction

She looked back and tensed up, Legolas cannot see her bathing. "Don't step forward!" She shouted "Don't take anymore steps! I-I'll come to you! Just give me a minute!" She said and quickly go out of the water

The little lights help her fix herself and after she's done, the lights disappeared

Yulier quickly walked to Legolas direction saying "I'm here"

"Where did you go?" Legolas asked in a worried tone

"I was just strolling around" she said "Are we going to go now?" She asked and walked pass through Legolas "Let's go"

They've reached Rivendell

Step by step Yulier felt excited to see Elrond once again but at the same time it reminded her about her sister's nightmare

"Welcome Gimli, son of Gloin." Yulier heard Elrond's voice "It's good that you've been with Gimli, Legolas, I was also looking forward to have you here and you brought two companions. It is nice to see you"

Elrond didn't seem to notice Yulier

Yulier jumped off the horse and put back her hood "It is nice to finally see you again Elrond" she smiled

Elrond looked at Yulier in surprise, he hugged her quickly "Yulier. It's been ages since I saw you. What are you doing here?" He asked as he looked at her

"It's a long story Elrond" she said "We shall talk about it later. Don't you have something much more important to do?" She asked

"Ah. Yes" Elrond said and he looked again at Gimli "Please prepare yourselves and we'll talk in the Great hall" he said and guide Yulier out of the scene

Yulier changed her clothes as her other clothes were being washed

She heard a knock on her room and she opened the door

"Elrond?" She looked at Elrond

"May I?" Elrond said asking if he can go inside

"Of course" Yulier opened the door widely to let Elrond in

"It's nice to see you again Yulier. How have you been?" Elrond asked

Yulier smiled "I'm doing okay"

Elrond looked at her "But your soul is not okay. You've been bothered. Tell me, what are you doing outside? You've been in the chamber of light for so long, Lady Galadriel said that you'll be only released from the chamber if you're going to take over the Lothlorien. Tell me, Why?"

Yulier sighed "I was given freedom for now. My mother let me go out of the chambers and see the world, she also said that I should found my match quickly. She picked a match for me"

"And it's Legolas." Elrond said "You are brought to the Mirkwood forest to meet Legolas"

Yulier nodded

"But Tauriel is with him? Are you okay with that?" He asked

Yulier looked away "I do not hold his heart Elrond. And you know that an Elf love is just once in a lifetime. I've heard that once, Legolas was so fond of her, I could not compete with that"

"Do you love him?" Elrond finally asked

Yulier smiled sadly "I do, I do now. And I will trade anything for his happiness even my own heart"

Elrond smiled and said "You are really like your sister. If she could meet you today, she would be pleased to see you in love but not this way" he softly said

"I know. I know she will" Yulier smiled

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