Chapter 11

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"We have reached the borders of Lorien!" Aragorn announced

Legolas quickly run with his horse in Lothlorien

"Great warriors. You have come" Lord Celeborn said "I was informed you were coming"

"It is nice to see you again Lord Celeborn" the four showed their respect to the Lord of woods

"May I ask where is Lady Galadriel?" Gimli asked "Did Lady Yulier passed here?"

"Lady Galadriel cannot see you for she fell ill. And yes, Yulier just left to go to the west to continue her journey" Lord Celeborn answered

Legolas felt his heart heavy, he touched his chest for he felt disappointed, it's been two weeks since he saw her and he didn't even have time to talk to her

"Come. Have a rest for today" Lord Celeborn said and some elves asked for the warrior's weapons to kept. Lord Celeborn looked at Legolas "Legolas"

Legolas looked at Lord Celeborn

"Can I have a word with you?" Lord Celeborn asked

"Of course Lord Celeborn" Legolas said

"Come. Let's go"

"How do you felt this days?" Lord Celeborn asked

"Heavy" Legolas answered

"Do not be worried, Legolas. We trust our daughter that she will be safe. She has an acquaintance with her and I think she would not be fall to evil. Galadriel won't let her go if she would fall to evil so do not worry to much" Lord Celeborn said with an assuring tone "She's a strong woman like her mother"

They were walking around the Lothlorien woods, admiring the views

"I know she's strong" Legolas said "I just can't stop worrying"

Lord Celeborn smiled "I too, feel the same way for I am her father, she is the only one left" he sighed "Can I share a story with you?"

Legolas looked at Lord Celeborn

They stopped and sitted in a near bench, watching the light slowly moving around the forest and elves happily talking to each other

"Yulier was already prisoned in the chamber of light with her elder sister, Celebrian, for the great evil is upon us. Sauron is a great threat to our kind and we have to keep our two daughters safe, but that Chamber wasn't lively at all for the two of them. Celebrian left the Chamber of light for she needs to find her match and Elrond find her. Leaving Yulier alone in the Chamber, she married Elrond and have three wonderful children, Yulier only met Elrond twice that day and again kept in the chambers, Yulier did not break down. Galadriel and I know that Yulier felt really lonely in the Chambers, we tried to give her company she needs, they taught her everything, to fight, do arts, to heal, to hunt, sing, dance and control the magic she has, she did that all inside the Chamber of light and she didn't break down. And then one day, Celebrian was taken a hostage, she was tortured, she have been through a lot of horrible experience, Galadriel grew ill because of this but Yulier's experience was much more cruel than Galadriel, there were wounds in her skin like her elder sister, she was drench in blood. She said she saw everything her sister experienced, and there was a big wound in her lower back, it is the wound that killed her sister, the wound healed but it left a scar in her, she berserk that time, trying to break free from the experience she was having, we cannot go near her, we cannot heal her for she will try to kill everyone who goes near her. Galadriel could not help us for she felt really weak that time" Lord Celeborn sighed as he remembered the scene

Legolas tensed up as he is listening to Yulier's cruel story "How did she recovered?" He asked

"I tried to help her. She wounded me physically and emotionally but by the time I manage to embrace her, she slept, she slept for a long time, she wasn't able to see her sister one last time. Yulier been through a lot but she manage, she manage to be strong and I couldn't manage to see her so emotionally weak, looking at her making me feel that I'm a worst father" Lord Celeborn said

"Emotionally weak?" Legolas asked

Lord Celeborn stood up "it is not my right to tell you so, come let's eat for you shall rest tonight"

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