Chapter 26

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After a few days..

Yulier was sitting on the floor, crying

"Yulier" Celeborn went in inside the chamber "Your mother wants to talk to you"

"I do not wish to see her for now Father" Yulier said sadly "I want to be alone for now"

Celeborn looked at his daughter with sad eyes, he then sat beside her and put his arms around her "You are soon going to be a mother? Are you not thrilled?" He asked

Yulier inhaled her father's scent "I am thrilled father. Very happy but I am also sad because my child will grow up to this prison, my child could not live a life freely, happily, just like me"

"Please do not say that" Celeborn said "Your mother just wants the best for you. She's just confuse, scared of losing a daughter again"

"Father" she sobbed

"Hush now my child. Being sad won't do good for your child, calm yourself" Celeborn said "Who is the father of your child?"

Yulier wiped her tears away "Legolas"

Celeborn smiled and kissed the temple of her daughter "Are you happy? Are you both in love?"

Yulier nodded "Yes"

"I am happy for you then darling. Does he know?" Celeborn asked

Yulier shook her head "No. I'm afraid he might reject the child. I cannot bring my self to say it to him"

"Child, you must say. Don't be afraid, he will love the truth as he love you" Celeborn said with reassuring "The day when your mother told me that she's pregnant was the happiest day of my life. I could not ask for more, I have a beautiful two children, such lovely girls"

Yulier smiled and kissed her father's cheeks "I love you father"

"I love you too" Celeborn said with a smile

"Can I come in?" Galadriel asked

"Come here love" Celeborn said with a smiled and extended his hand towards her direction

Galadriel took her husband hand and sat beside them "I have heard your conversation, I didn't mean to eavesdrop"

"It's fine mother" Yulier answered as she snuggled close to her father

"I am very sorry Yulier, I do not want to keep you in here forever" Galadriel took her daughters hands "I want you and your child to be safe but I do not also wish to imprison you here and loose you too"

Yulier looked at her mother

"I know that Legolas will keep you safe. If your afraid to tell him you must throw away your fear, you need to tell him. We even haven't celebrate yet for your child" Galadriel said with a smile "I will let you go for the upcoming war, win this fight but you have to take the Lothlorien armies with you"

Yulier's eyes widen "Thank you mother" she hugged her

"Just be safe and tell Legolas!" Galadriel said

Yulier nodded "I will try my best"

"Its been a month and I still haven't seen her" Legolas said to himself as he walked around the room

"Will you sit down lad? You're making me dizzy!" Gimli complained

"I'm feeling restless, she's still not here" Legolas said

"Son. Do not worry. She's in Lothlorien protection, no one would dare to hurt her" Thandruil said with an assuring tone

"What is your relationship with her? You're really confusing me" Gimli complained

"She's my fiancee. My soon to be wife! Now tell me if I shouldn't feel restless without her by my side" Legolas said angrily

The other smiled widely for Legolas already admits it herself

"You reminded me of myself when your mother was still alive" Thandruil said while smiling

"You already admit it Legolas. Well done" Arwen said with a smile

"Mother.. where is grandma?" Aralien asked her mother

Arwen kneeled to meet his height "I'm afraid she's still not here"

"She sang a song for me. Her voice was really beautiful that I fell asleep" Aralien said with a smile

Everyone smiled at Aralien

A familiar horn was heard from outside and a guard came rushing in the throne room

"Your majesty! A marching elves is coming our way!" The guard announced

"Let them come!" Aragorn ordered and ran outside

Aragorn looked at the plains and saw a marching elves towards their direction

"It's from Lothlorien" Tauriel said using her elf eyes "But I do not see Lady Yulier"

Legolas eyes saddened

"It's okay Legolas. At least we know she's safe" Gimli said

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