Chapter 16

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"You have new acquiantance my friend" Eomer said while looking at the new faces, his attention was caught by Yulier who is still wearing her hood

"Ah yes. They are elves. Tauriel, Legolas' friend, she was once in a battle with Legolas. Alhor, an elven warrior from Rivendell. And Yulier, a skilled elf" Aragorn introduced

"May I speak to you she-elf?" Eomer asked

Yulier's head turned into his direction

"Could you take off that hood of yours so I can see your face?" Eomer asked

"Eomer. She didn't have to removed it. Let her be" Aragorn said

"What if she's the evil herself? Hiding in the elf body" Eomer said in a hiss

Alhor took his bow and arrow and attempted to aim at Eomer "She is not the evil you speak of"

The Rohan knights draw their swords and pointed it at Alhor and Yulier

Aragorn spoke in Elvish telling Alhor to put the bow and arrow down but Alhor didn't budge

"Alhor. Havo dad" Yulier said in a calm tone

Alhor put his bow and arrow away but still looking at Eomer with a fiery gaze

Yulier stood and hold her hood "Forgive me King Eomer, I must have disrespected you for not removing it" she removed her hood and her white blonde hair flows "I do wish for a little privacy of my own."

Eomer looked at Yulier with an awe

Aragorn sighed and said "Yulier is the next Lady of the woods in Lothlorien, we cannot afford for anyone to look at her by men for they easily get attracted"

Eomer nodded "Forgive me for calling you evil, Lady Yulier"

Yulier just smiled and took her seat once again

"Could you tell me the information you had?" Eomer asked

Aragorn nodded and started to tell Eomer the information

It was late at night, everyone is quiet. Yulier decided to walk on her own, she's wearing a Rohan maiden dress that was given to her, she was kind of embarrassed for the dress was tightly hugging in her waist making her breast stand out, so she covered it with her cloak

She was humming a song as she walk in the land of Rohan Kingdom

She decided to go out of the village and walked in the burials near the Kingdom

She touched the white flowers growing in the grass

Yulier closed her eyes and started to sing "Everytime we touch, I get this feeling and everytime we kiss I swear I could fly. Can't you hear my heartbeat fast? I want this to last. Need you by my side "


Yulier stopped singing and looked at Legolas

"Can we talk?" He asked

Yulier was sitting in the grass, looking at the stars, next to her is Legolas who was looking at the sky too

"I'm sorry" Legolas said "I slapped you, to be honest I was also surprised that I did that. I am also sorry that you have to see those things" Legolas sighed "I was so clueless, I'm really sorry"

"It's okay" Yulier said "It's been a month. Let's forget about it" she smiled

Legolas hold Yulier's hand. Yulier looked at her in surprise

"I was so surprise that you confessed to me that night" Legolas caress Yulier's hand "I want to be honest with you that time but I cannot find myself to do so. The first time I saw you, you we're really beautiful to look at, I saw you singing it was really beautiful, we talked that night and I have came of liking you. Love? I do not really know about that, I do not have experience in that. Tauriel.. is just a friend, yes, she did caught my attention but I know that is not love. Would you give me time?" Legolas asked "I care for you deeply but I am still confuse. I still needed answers"

Yulier smiled at Legolas "You are forgiven Legolas" She put her other hand to Legolas' hand which slowly caressing her hand "It's cold. Let's go" she stood up and was about to walk away when..

"Am I really forgiven? Why do I feel that I'm still not forgiven? Yulier.." Legolas hugged Yulier tightly from the back, he put his forehead to her shoulder

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