Chapter 29

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"Legolas!" Aragorn called

Legolas looked at Aragorn while holding Yulier's hand

Her body was so weak and purple, the poison is spreading in her whole body and no doctor can cure her

"Lady Galadriel is here" Aragorn said

Galadriel, Celeborn, Elrond, Arwen and Aralien entered the room

Galadriel quickly run towards her daughter and cried, she reached for her weak hands "I should've not let you come"

Elrond remembered the same scene as his wife's, the traumatic scene was once again come to his thoughts

"Father" Arwen hugged his father tightly

Aralien quickly run towards Yulier's bed and touched her "Mother. Why is she purple? Her white hair is turning to black, is she going to be okay?"

"Aralien. Please, don't" Arwen said in teary eyes

Legolas just stood there, his eyes are sad, looking at Yulier

"Is she going to die?" Aralien asked innocently

The aura gets more dull inside the room

Galadriel's light is slowly fading, Celeborn quickly hugged his wife and murmured in her ears

"Aralien!" Aragorn called his son and tried to get him but Aralien declined, he climbed up to the bed and touch Yulier's tummy

"What about her baby? Is the baby okay?" Aralien asked "Grandma told me that she was having a baby"

All stood shock of what Aralien said

Legolas looked at Yulier with confusing eyes

Galadriel cried "She hasn't told you yet but she's pregnant, one month or so"

"We summoned her back to the Lothlorien to keep her safe but she declined" Celeborn explained "We are not expecting for this to happen" he said sadly

"When did she tell you about that Aralien?" Aragorn asked his son

"Last, last night" he answered "She was very happy"

"Who is the father?" Arwen asked

Galadriel looked at Legolas "You are the father Legolas. She wasn't able to tell you about her pregnancy because she was afraid. She was looking forward to tell it to you after the war ends"

Legolas cried his eyes out and Thandruil quickly hugged his son. Legolas thought were swarming with sadness and loneliness. Not only he'll loose a loving wife but also his innocent little child growing inside her small and weak body.

"Grandma also told me something" Aralien started

"Aralien. Please" Arwen begged her son to stop

"But she told me to kiss her if something like this happens!" Aralien complained

"She told you that?" Celeborn asked the kid

Aralien nodded and quickly moved towards Yulier, he kissed her temple and a little light pass through his lips to her temple

The next thing happens, Yulier's body glow into a blinding light

everyone closed their eyes

The light slowly fades and there was a little light circling around Yulier's body

A melody came from the light. It slowly entered Yulier's body

Her purple skin was returning to its normal state, her hair color is also returning

A few minute, Yulier woke up gasping for air

"Yulier/Lady Yulier!" Everyone called

Yulier was panting and she lay back down to bed

"Oh Yulier" Galadriel caress her daughter's face and kissed her temple

Celeborn did the same and smiled at her with teary eyes "We thought you're going to die"

Yulier gave them a faint smile "I'm sorry I have made you worried" she turned her head towards Aralien "You did a good job Aralien. I'll give you a present later" she winked at him and gave him a quick peck on the cheeks

Aralien giggled and nodded "Welcome back Grandma!" He said happily

Elrond and Arwen walked towards her bed

"We were so worried about you" Elrond kissed her temple with teary eyes

Yulier smiled and hugged Elrond "You really have to trust me brother. I have the power to oppose any kind of poison"

Arwen quickly hugged Yulier "You made me really worried" she cried "I was about to lose hope"

Yulier hugged Arwen back "Never lose hope. I am sorry to have made you worried"

"Its good that you're back Lady Yulier" Aragorn smiled

"It is hard for me to die" she joked

"It was nice seeing you well again my dear" Thranduil hugged Yulier "You really made us worried back then"

"It was nice seeing you too Lord Thandruil, thank you for joining our battle" she smiled

Thandruil back off and Legolas slowly walked towards Yulier

"I'm sorry Legolas" she smiled "I have made you worried"

Legolas quickly hugged Yulier "I am so worried" he cried "I thought you would die before my eyes. I couldn't let you go, not now"

Yulier hugged Legolas back "I miss you too" she smiled

Legolas hold Yulier's hands and his forehead was placed unto her's "I love you"

Yulier smiled sweetly "I love you too"

Legolas cupped Yulier's face and kiss her

Everyone at the room smiled at the two

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