Chapter 18

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Legolas slowly opened his eyes as he felt someone touching his cheeks. He was shocked as he saw Yulier in sitting position, touching his cheek

"Good morning" Yulier smiled at him "Are you feeling okay? You slept in that position"

"Are you feeling--? When did you woke up?" Legolas asked

"Earlier. Yes, I'm feeling a little better now but I still can't walk. Aragorn was patient enough to give me some medicine every four hours" Yulier answered

Legolas put his hand on Yulier's forehead "You're still a little hot"

Yulier hold Legolas' hand "I'm fine. Don't worry. I'm just kind of exhausted" she said while smiling "Why don't you go and take a rest to your room?"

Legolas shook his head "I want to stay here and watch you"

"but you also have to rest. Okay, why don't you lay down with me? So you could take a rest?" Yulier asked

"No, that is not necessary. I can't lay down with you. It is prohibited" Legolas said

Yulier sighed "I want you to rest"

Legolas smiled "I'll sleep here. By your side. Just like earlier"

"I cannot argue with you anymore. Will you be okay?" Yulier asked

"Yes" Legolas answered

"Let's sleep" Yulier said as she lie down in the bed

"Okay" Legolas put his head on the bed and closed his eyes, he felt Yulier's hand with him and with that they fell asleep

"How are you feeling Lady Yulier?" Eomer asked as he entered the room

"I am feeling a little much better now" Yulier answered "Thank you for asking King Eomer"

"I heard that an elf gets sick in one month. Is that true?" Eomer asked

"Kind of" Yulier answered "It's hard to explain"

"Do you want something?" Alhor asked "something to eat?"

"That is not necessary. I'm not hungry" Yulier smiled

"Do you feel hot Yulier?" Aragorn asked

"A little bit but I think It'll worn off soon. I'm really sorry I'm the reason for the delayed of our travel" Yulier said

"Don't think about that lass, think about getting well" Gimli said with a smile

"Can you walk?" Aragorn asked

"I think so" Yulier answered

"You should try walking princess" Alhor said

Yulier slowly nodded and put her feet to the ground. Quickly, Legolas help her stood up.

Yulier hold her shawl and walked "I'm okay" she smiled "Can I go out and have some fresh air?"

Aragorn smiled with a relief "Okay. You can go"

Yulier walked outside with Legolas by her side, they stood quiet outside the kingdom

"Are you sure you can handle yourself?" Legolas asked

Yulier smiled and slowly nodded "I'll be fine. I'm getting better, so don't worry"

Legolas smiled "You know" he started and Yulier looked at him "I cannot forget the night that you sang to me, it was breath taking"

Yulier smiled "It's a song of warmth. I want you to feel at ease somehow"

"Thank you" Legolas said "You know your voice really sound familiar"

"Oh?" she turned her gaze to the plains

"I heard it at night, in the heart of the Mirkwood forest" Legolas said "It was really beautiful"

Yulier smiled "Can you come with me tonight? I want to show you something"

Legolas looked at Yulier with confusion but he didn't speak anymore

Aragorn turned his head and bowed as he saw Yulier

"I haven't speak to you in a normal conversation" Yulier smiled and hold her shawl tightly "Elrond told me about you, you are my niece's husband, the king of Gondor"

Aragorn put his right hand on his left chest and bowed "Yes" he answered

"Can I take a walk with you?" Yulier asked

Aragorn lead the way and they started to walk outside the castle

"How is she?" Yulier asked

"She's well" Aragorn said with a smile

Yulier nodded with a smile "I haven't seen her yet" she sighed "I wish I could see her. I want to meet her. Do you have children?"

Aragorn nodded "Yes, a son. His name is Aralien"

"What a wonderful name" Yulier said "Is it okay for you if I meet them someday?"

Aragorn nodded "Of course, Lady Yulier. Arwen will be thrilled to see you and your grandson too"

Yulier laughed "Grandson. I'm a grandma now, I wish you could meet my sister. She would liked you too and she would be thrilled to see her grandson "

"I would like that too" Aragorn said with a smile

"I forgot to ask you something" Yulier smiled and looked at Aragorn "Is it okay if I stay outside later?"

Aragorn looked at Yulier with confusing eyes "Lady Yulier, you are still ill. I cannot let you go out at night and its dangerous outside"

Yulier sighed "I'm already okay" Yulier reached her wrist to Aragorn "You may check me if you want"

Without hesitation, Aragorn took her wrist gently and checked her pulse, Aragorn was surprised when her pulse is beating normally. To be honest on the first day Yulier fell ill, her pulse was really quick to the point that she could die but surprisingly Yulier quickly recover

"how is this possible? You're supposed to be sick for a month or more, you we're really ill" Aragorn stated

Yulier smiled and put her hands into his "There are things in this world that can cure any sickness" she started to walk away from Aragorn

At first Aragorn was confused by her words but a question popped in his head "What are you going to do tonight?"

Yulier smiled, looked back and smiled "I have to show something to my someone special" and with that she finally walked away

Aragorn smiled widely for he already know what thing that can cure any sickness

"Love" he playfully shook his head and walked towards the other way

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