Chapter 23

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Yulier walked quietly outside, beside the King's tree, that was blooming beautifully. She hold her shawl tightly for she felt a cold breeze though she doesn't feel cold at all. She watched the tree shake at the blowing wind, letting it's beautiful white leaves slowly fall from it's branches

"Grandma?" A cute voice called Yulier's attention

It was Aralien who was standing infront of the gates, at the stairs, rubbing his eyes.

"Aralien? What are you doing out here?" Yulier quickly walked towards Aralien and carried him "It's cold outside" she walked inside

"I cannot sleep" Aralien said and put his head on Yulier's shoulder

"Will you sleep if I sing you a song?" Yulier asked

"Yes" he answered in a tired tone

Yulier smiled and walk towards Aralien's room

Legolas saw the two and walked towards their direction

"You are the song, playing so softly in my heart. I reach for you, you seem so near yet so far" as she sang a song, she tugged the sheets on the bed watching Aralien slowly closing his eyes

She smiled at the thought of having a baby, she putted her hands on her tummy as she watch Aralien sleeping "How can I? Each time I try you say goodbye. You were there you look my way I touched the sky. We can share together and forevermore. I'll be there, to love you so, you are my song " she sang softly as she caress Aralien's cheeks

She can hear the deep breath of Aralien, sleeping peacefully. She kissed his temple and was about to leave the room when she jerked back off as she saw a figure leaning in the doorway "Legolas" she breath out

"Did I scare you?" Legolas asked

Yulier shook his head "No, I was just a little bit shock" she left the room and closed the door

"Are you not going to rest?" Legolas asked as they walked back to the hall

"I am. I was just taking a walk for a while when I saw Aralien, I put him to sleep" Yulier explained

As they walked passed by Gimli's room, next is Legolas' room. Legolas quickly reached for her hand and they slipped inside Legolas' room

Yulier's eyes widen "What?" She asked

Legolas quickly kissed her lips and cupped her face

Yulier responded to his kisses and looked at his closed eyes with love

Legolas broke the kiss and looked at Yulier "Tell me. What is it do we have?" He asked "Tell me love" he whispered between their lips

Yulier looked at his blue eyes, she held Legolas' hands that is placed in her cheeks "I don't know" she answered

Legolas kissed her once again and before Yulier can respond to his kisses he broke the kiss "If I tell you that I love you. What will be our relationship then?"

Yulier was panting "I will marry you and we'll be a husband and wife then" she said

Legolas looked at her with love and said "I love you" he finally said and kissed Yulier deeply, passionately

Yulier fell on the bed with Legolas on top of her

She didn't expect that Legolas would confess to her, she hold Legolas' shoulders tightly and closed her eyes "I love you too" she responded
(A/N: Bed scene! You could just skip!)

"Aah! Aah!" Yulier moaned as her grip on the head board tights

Legolas was pumping her from the back, caressing her buttocks. Yulier let out a lot of moans as she felt his member going deeper and deeper.

"Legolas" she moaned

Legolas pulled her up, he pumped deeper. Yulier was now kneeling with Legolas on her back. He was kissing all over her neck and nape

Yulier reached out for Legolas to maintain her balance, she felt him inside her, pushing deeper and harder. Only deepbreaths came out of Yulier

Legolas twist Yulier from her back to his front, he pumped in and out again

Yulier hugged Legolas tightly "You feel so good" she moaned

"I love you" Legolas said as he kissed her lips

"Hmm" she moaned

Legolas sucked Yulier's nipples and caress the other with his hand

"Legolas. Aah!" She moaned

Yulier moved her head to her back, feeling the sensation inside her, she can feel something inside her, like something was building inside her. She opened her eyes and said "Legolas! I'm nearing at my peak" her grip tightens as Legolas lay her down and pumped harder

"haa.. haaa... aah! Legolas. I'm.." Yulier moaned

"Give it all to me Love" Legolas said as he gave her a quick peck on the lips and he buried his face on her neck "I am also near at my zenith"

And after a few more pumps, Yulier released along with Legolas

Legolas rolled on her side and hugged her "I love you Yulier" he kissed her temple

Yulier smiled at those words, finally.. he confessed.

She hugged him back and kissed his nose "I love you too" she cuddled in his chest and fell asleep

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