Chapter 2

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Yulier was sitting on a big rock outside the castle looking at the moonlight singing softly "I'm thinking of you"

Little lights were dancing around Yulier as she sang

Legolas looked at the view infront of him and for a second Yulier looked really beautiful that moment

"I give my all to hell, just one more night with you"

"You have a beautiful voice lady Yulier" Legolas commented, slowly walking towards her direction

The light around Yulier was gone and Yulier looked at Legolas "Prince Legolas" she stood up and bowed her head

"Please, no formalities. You could just call me Legolas" Legolas smiled at her

Yulier slowly nodded "Okay. Would you like to take a sit with me?" She offered

"If it's okay with you." Legolas said

"Please" Yulier gently tapped the rock beside her

Legolas slowly sat on the rock "Do you not enjoy the gatherings?" He asked

"I'm not really a fan of the gatherings" Yulier answered "I like quiet places and besides there are no kinds of this events in the place where I come from"

Legolas nodded "May I ask why Lady Galadriel and Lord Celebron did not come with you considering that you'll be attending your.." There was a pause in Legolas words, finding the right words to say "Engagement?"

Yulier let out a small laugh "My mother cannot leave the Lothlorien premises for she was the heart of the forest, she was the one looking after it, protecting it. My father however must not leave my mother's side for she needs him more than I do"

"Is that so?" Legolas said

"Could you tell me your story?" She asked, a little excited

"Story?" He asked in confusion

"Yes. About your adventure. I want to know all of it. I heard that you did well in the war" Yulier said excitedly

Legolas chuckled and started telling stories

All night they started talking about each other, telling stories while laughing and smiling. They were really getting closer bit by bit.

"So this friend of yours.. the dwarf. Are you really close?" she asked

"Yes. Gimli, he's a good friend of mine. We competed with each other during battles" Legolas said

"I never thought that a grumpy dwarf could be a friend" Yulier said while smiling "Never have I heard of a dwarf and an elf getting along"

"He was facinating anyway" Legolas smiled "Dwarfs are not really that bad. They're just competitive and loud."

Yulier nodded with a smile "Do you want to go out in an adventure again?"

Legolas looked at Yulier confusely. And he was about to asked Yulier a question but..

"Lady Yulier. You must take rest in the castle now. You've been in a long journey, please come with me" one of the servant came

Yulier nodded and looked at Legolas "It's good talking with you Legolas. Have a good night sleep" she said and walked away

"Good night Yulier" Legolas said still mesmerized

In the middle of the night Yulier decided to walk with a company who serves her

"Milady. You should take a rest in the castle, it is not good for you to stay outside" Elena said to her lady, a little worried can be heard from her voice

"I cannot sleep Elena for I was bothered. Just keep me company" Yulier Calmly said "Mirkwood has somehow lost it's life" Yulier calmly said as she stroll around

"It is said that the lady of this forest died a long time ago" Elena, one of the light princess' servant, said "The Lord of this forest felt melancholy about the Lady's death so it affects the forest"

Yulier nodded slowly "Elena. Would you please accompany me in the heart of the forest?" She asked

"I would love too princess but I'm afraid I do not know the way" Elena said honestly

Yulier smiled at her "Don't worry, I know"

They've walked for around thirty minutes now until they reach the heart of the Mirkwood forest

"What are we going to do here milady?" Elena asked

Yulier looked around "I'm just going to fix something"

The heart of the forest doesn't look horrible at all like the other places in Mirkwood that is full of black dead trees and webs that have been homed by big and deadly spiders. The heart of the forest have a small pond connecting in a small river, a water falls, flowers and a clean trees.

Elena felt excited as she was expecting to see the Lady's beautiful magic in fixing the forest. She looked around afraid that someone will saw her Lady's abilities.

Yulier slowly touched the ground, as she closed her eyes she can feel the life of the forest, she can hear it's slow heartbeat.

"It can still be save" Yulier said

Yulier slowly walked towards the small pond. Her bare feet touching the surface of the water, she continued walking until she reached the center. Yulier started dancing slowly, with elegance and beauty, a faint sound was coming in the forest matching the Lady's step, A light appeared around the Lady dancing with her, circling around her

Elena was so mesmerized on what she was looking, she never taught that she would see in person the Lady's holy dance

Yulier opened her mouth and started singing a beautiful melody. She continued dancing on the surface of the water, the wind blew her beautiful hair and dress, the moonlight shone upon her making her look more beautiful and glowing

And inside the castle. The elven prince heard a beautiful melody coming outside so he decided to go out in his balcony to hear the song clearly. He looked around and saw no one except for the guards who also looked mesmerized on the song

"Such beautiful voice" Legolas said. He slowly felt the new changed of the forest like it was getting beautiful than before

Yulier ended her song and walked towards Elena "That should do it. In some time the forest will improve" She said while looking around

"That was beautiful Milady" Elena kneeled to show her respect "I am grateful that you allowed me to watch your holy dance"

"Please stand up Elena." Yulier smiled and tapped the girl's shoulder "Rise"

Elena smiled and stood up "Aren't you feeling tired milady?"

"Now that you've mentioned it." Yulier looked at Elena "I do feel tired already"

Elena chuckled "You've used too much of your ability milady. Let's go inside milady for you must take a rest"

Yulier smiled at Elena "Thank you"

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