Chapter 21

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"It looks like they're gathering at mordor"

"We should get to Gondor as soon as possible"

Yulier can hear voices inside the throne room, and together with Alhor she entered the room

"Lady Yulier" Tauriel announced

All of them slightly bowed at her presence

"Any news?" Yulier asked

"Orlocs are gathering at Mordor, it looks like there will be a great threat in Gondor" Eomer stated while pointing at the map "They are recently seen in the northern borders"

Yulier slowly nodded "Have you decided anything yet, Aragorn?" She put her hands on the table and looked at the map

Aragorn nodded "I wish that we go to Minas Tirith, Gondor"

"We should go then. Now" Yulier said "Let's prepare"

All nodded at Yulier's decision

"I'll prepare your things at your room" Eomer said "You have three days to reach the borders of Gondor"

Yulier turned and said "Alhor. Be ready" she ordered

Alhor nodded "Yes princess"

Yulier and Alhor walked out of the throne room

Legolas just watched them go

"Legolas?" Tauriel called

Legolas turned his head towards Tauriel

"Are you okay?" She asked

Legolas nodded and smiled "I'm okay"

Yulier put on her bow and arrow, and lastly her two swords

"Princess. The horses are ready" Alhor said while leaning at the door

Yulier nodded and looked at the mirror as she unconsciously held her necklace. Showing her symbol, four crystal butterfly connected by branches. Her hands gently travel from her necklace to her stomach

"Princess?" Alhor called

"Let's go" Yulier said and walked
"We shall be at your borders, King Aragorn, just send us your signal" Eomer said

Aragorn nodded

The party quickly travels to the borders of Gondor

Yulier, Alhor, Legolas, Tauriel have their own horses while Gimli is riding with Legolas, and leading their way is Aragorn who is also riding a horse

They are traveling for five hours now

"Shall we take a stop?" Gimli asked "My butts are getting burning here"

"But if we stop we will be delayed" Aragorn said

"Bear with us for now Master dwarf" Yulier said

"Aye, or would you prefer to walk by yourself?" Legolas said with a smile

"I DO NOT PREFER TO TRAVEL ON MY OWN" Gimli exclaimed and everyone laughed

"Princess" Yulier turned her head and saw an apple coming right at her direction, she quickly catch it and looked at Alhor "Eat it"

Yulier gave him a confusing look

"It's tasty, just eat it" Alhor said

Yulier shrugged and ate the apple

Its already been two days since they got out of Rohan. They noticed a swarm of Orlocs are marching from a mile

"There are Orlocs at our east!" Legolas exclaimed

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