Chapter 13

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"Miss. What's your name?" A little girl asked

Yulier looked down and saw a little girl with a copper brown hair

Yulier smiled "My name is Yulier, what's yours?"

Bare-footed, the two elves continued their journey with the villagers, finding a new home

"I'm Ellie. Where are we going Miss Yulier?" The girl said with a smile

Yulier smiled to the little girl for she is amazed that a little girl can still smile after what happened to the village

'She's still innocent' Yulier thought to herself "We're going to find a new home for you"

Ellie nodded "Are you a princess?" She asked

"Yes" Yulier smiled "Yes, I am. How did you know?"

"Because you're so beautiful! You look like a princess" Ellie said excitedly and hugged Yulier

Yulier let out a small laugh and patted the girl's head "Thank you, you too look like a princess"

"Really?" Ellie asked with a happy smile

Yulier nodded

"Ellie!" An old woman called

"Granny!" The girl hopped towards the old woman

"I am sorry if she disturbed you" the old woman said "I'm Gina, her grandmother, thank you for looking after her"

Yulier nodded "It's okay" she smiled


"There is a fire in the west!" Tauriel exclaimed

"Let's go" Aragorn said and they traveled to the west

"There is nothing here but "Gimli said while looking around

"The village was attacked. Burned" Legolas said

"But someone fought for them" Aragorn said while holding two elven arrows "Two elves we're here"

Legolas took the two arrows "They are both Lothlorien arrows, one is for the warriors and this one is for the higher ups" Legolas looked at the Lothlorien arrow with an awe that have white feather in its end, glittering glows in it, every part of the arrow is well mended

"Yulier has heen here" Gimli said "By the looks of the arrow, it's Yulier's arrow"

They heard a faint laugh from a far

Tauriel and Legolas hold their bow and took an arrow, looking around

"So her name is Yulier ?" The orloc said while laughing, bleeding

Aragorn quickly walked towards the dying Orloc "Who are you?" He asked furiously

"I am no one" the orloc smirked "Are you looking for the she-elf? She's really beautiful, I wish I could taste a she-elf like her" the orloc laughed

Furiously, Legolas stabbed the Orloc in the head

"Legolas!" Aragorn shouted "Calm down"

Legolas kneeled there, staring

Tauriel patted Legolas' shoulders and telling him to calm down in Elvish

"You've been so restless Legolas. You have to take rest" Gimli sighed

"I will take Legolas turn in watching" Tauriel said

"You do not have to worry Legolas. She manage to go through this village, she's okay" Aragorn said

"Stand up Lad, we need to get going" Gimli said

"There is an empty village near the borders of Rohan, I think they'll be safe there" Alhor said as he get back from the empty village

"Everyone. We're almost there" Yulier announced

The villagers smiled

As they reached their destination Yulier and Alhor double checked the village

"It looks like the people from here, evacuated a long time ago" Yulier said

"I don't see any harm that will do to the villagers" Alhor said

"They'll be safe here" Yulier said

"Alright. Everyone. Pick your house, you'll be safe here" Alhor announced

Everyone walked in the village thanking the two
"Will you manage?" Yulier asked the elder

"Yes, yes. Thank you very much. Sorry we cannot repay you for we have nothing" The elder said sadly

Yulier smiled "No, no it's okay. We have to go, please take care"

"Yes, yes. Thank you and Take care. You can come back here. Thank you very much" The elder said

"You're welcome" Yulier smiled

The two elves was about to walk away when..

"Princess!" Ellie called while running, as she attempted to go faster but she tripped

Ellie sat up, teary eyed

Yulier quickly walked towards the little girl "Are you okay?" She asked

Ellie nodded still teary-eyed "I'm okay"

"But you're about to cry? Does it hurt anywhere?" Yulier asked worriedly

Ellie shook her head "No. I'm not going to cry! I'm a big girl now"

Yulier smiled and caress the cheek of the girl "You're strong. Someday you'll be a great woman"

"I will!" Ellie simply wiped her tears away "Are you going now?"

"Yes" Yulier smiled

"Will you come back?" Ellie struggled to stood up but she manage

"I will, If I have a time" Yulier smiled "Take care, okay? I hope that if we get to see each other again you're already a strong woman"

Ellie nodded "I will. I'll see you again" Ellie hugged Yulier's knees

Yulier hugged Ellie "Goodbye"

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