Chapter 14

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"Legolas. You have to rest" Tauriel said as she softly patted his shoulder

"I'm fine" Legolas said

"We will soon see her lad, I can feel it in my guts" Gimli said as he tapped his stomach

"There is no need to be restless. She's fine, she's alive" Aragorn said

Legolas kept quiet and lay down on the grass

Tauriel took the first watch

"We will go to Rohan tomorrow, maybe we'll get lucky and see Yulier there" Aragorn said

"And find clues too" Gimli said

Morning came and they packed up to go

A week have passed

"We are near to the borders of Rohan!" Aragorn exclaimed

They stopped when they saw a marching army towards them

"What warriors are they?" Aragorn asked

"I do not know" Tauriel answered "I don't remember a creature like them"

"Don't talk about it yet! It's marching towards us" Gimli said

"Arrows!" Legolas exclaimed

They all hid in the rock to take cover

"Don't get killed!" Gimli shouted

"Legolas! Tauriel!" Aragorn called

Tauriel and Legolas took their bow and arrow and started to hit their target

"We cannot go near them! Curse them!" Gimli said angrily

"Tauriel! Legolas! Kill the archers!" Aragorn ordered

The two followed Aragorn's words

Aragorn and Gimli quickly run towards the marching army, they avoided being stabbed or cut, they continued to kill the enemy

Aragorn accidentally been cut by the Orloc's weapon

"Argh" Aragorn hold his wound

"What's wrong Aragorn?" Gimli covered Aragorn from the enemy

"Poison! They have poison" Aragorn hissed

Tauriel helped Gimli cover Aragorn

"They're too many" Tauriel said as she stabbed an Orloc

"Aragorn!" A female voice called Aragorn

They all look where the voice came from

"Yulier!" Gimli called happily

Yulier and Alhor jumped from the rocks and started to help the others

Yulier used her two swords to slash the flesh of the enemy "Is Aragorn cut by the weapon?"

"Yes" Tauriel answered "It seems like the weapon has poison"

"All of their weapons have poison" Yulier blocked the attack "Alhor! Get Aragorn to safety!"

Alhor nodded and help Aragorn to walk away from the battle

"Yulier!" Legolas called

"I'm okay Legolas! Just fight!" Yulier said

Legolas took a glance to Yulier

The three elves and one dwarf fought hard to kill the enemy

"I don't think we can handle them at this point" Gimli said cutting the head of the Orloc

"What now? Are you going to give up on us?" Yulier said teasingly

"There is no way I would do that. A dwarf's work will always be a dwarf's work" Gimli said

Yulier let out a small laugh and said "Get back everyone"

the three looked at her with questioning eyes

"I can handle this" Yulier said

The three back away from the battle

The Orlocs looked at Yulier with confused eyes

"Kaló ton kidemóna tou neroú, tin prostasía tous kaloús kai na skotósei to kakó. Eímai parangelía sas, eláte! Nenya!" Yulier enchanted as she looked into the water

Suddenly the water move and drowned all the Orlocs on its way

"The art of the ring water" Tauriel said in amazement

Gimli looked at Yulier with an awe

Yulier just smiled

"Princess!" Alhor called

Yulier quickly run into Alhor

"the poison is spreading in his body" Alhor said

"I have an atlethas" Tauriel said and reached the herb to Yulier "Here"

Yulier quickly took the herb and placed it in Aragorn's wound "Do not fall into darkness Aragorn, there are so many people who waits for your return" Yulier said in elvish

Yulier put her hand on Aragorn's wound and slowly healed it

"Is it okay for you to use too much power?" Alhor asked

Yulier nodded "This is nothing"

Slowly, the poison from Aragorn's wound faded

"He'll be okay" Yulier said and looked at Aragorn "The poison is gone"

"Oh thank the sky!" Gimli said happily

"What are those creatures?" Legolas asked

"They are called Orlocs" Yulier answered "I will give you the information you needed, for now, let's take a rest"

"That is a good Idea" Gimli said

"You can sleep well for now, there is a pond near here, just follow the river into the forest and you'll find it" Yulier instructed

"I'll take the first watch" Alhor volunteered

"I'll be in the second watch" Legolas said

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