Chapter 9

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Yulier quietly walk towards her horse

(In elvish)
"Alena. I need you to go with me, out of this place, as quietly as you can. Please, I need to go" Yulier pleaded as she softly patted her horse

Her horse nodded, agreeing with her

She hugged her horse and was about to go up when suddenly--

"Where are you going?" Yulier quickly looked at Alhor

"I am going out" she said

"Out?" Alhor leaned on a wooden pillar "are you going away? Turning your back in the task you have volunteer for?" Alhor said in a bitter tone

"I am going to do the task, Alone if I have to" Yulier said and finally sat up in her horse

"I am coming" Alhor argued

"No. You are not" Yulier said

"Do you even know your way?" Alhor said "You need a company with you, you cannot do this alone"

"I can do this on my own" Yulier said in an angry tone "I'll prove it to you"

Alhor sighed "It would not turned out like this if you haven't seen that scene, right?"

The scene she saw earlier flashes in her mind. Pain and shock can be read in her face

"H-how did you?" she stuttered, almost crying

"I saw you in your balcony" Alhor explained "You looked hurt and when I turned around I saw Prince Legolas being adored in a she-elf"

"She's fond of her I know" Yulier looked down "Please get out of the way"

"I am not going until you let me come with you" Alhor said "If you won't let me come I'll shout"

"Fine!" Yulier said

Alhor immediately sat on his horse "The streets are covered with light, how are we going to go? They're going to see us"

Yulier closed her eyes and suddenly Rivendell was covered in darkness

Yulier and Alhor quickly get out of Rivendell with their horses

As they succesfully pass through the borders of Rivendell, the light was back

Yulier closed her eyes 'I'm so sorry Elrond' she thought

Elrond woke up from his slumber as he heard Yulier's voice in her in his head, he quickly stood up and walked outside

"Lord Elrond. There was a sudden black out in Rivendell, We do not know what it is" Aragorn said with Legolas, Gimli, Eomer and Tauriel

They we're all alert by the sudden black out

"I have a bad feeling about this" Elrond said

"Lord Elrond!" Lundir, Elrond's servant quickly walked towards his master "This is for you sir" Lundir gave a letter to Elrond

'I am sorry to have troubled all of you. I have decided to go on my own, I will show you that I can do this by myself, I will help you at all cost. Do not worry about my safety, I'll be fine. I will go to Lorien first to talk to my mother to make you feel at ease somehow. It was nice seeing you again big brother. Goodbye and till we meet again.
Love, Yulier'

Elrond sat to a nearby chair and he suddenly let go of the letter

Aragorn took it and read it "You cannot let her go like that!"

"What? What's wrong?" Gimli asked

"This is madness" Aragorn said "What could have drawn her to this decision?"

"Her? Who?" Gimli asked

"What is the matter? Aragorn? Lord Elrond?" Legolas asked

"Yulier is gone" Elrond said

Everyone is shocked

"She decided to go on her own this time" Aragorn explained "The black out must have been her doing to blind us all in her escape. She was planning to do the task on her own"

"Then we should have chased after her! she's still not far! Let's go after her!" Legolas said and attempted to go but--

"NO!" Elrond exclaimed "She decided this on her own, we should not stop her" Elrond took one last glance to Legolas and Tauriel "No one could stop her" Elrond finally said and walked out of the scene

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