Chapter 3

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It was dawn when the elven prince decided to walk inside the castle. He gave a little smile to those elves who bowed at him as he passes by.

"Aren't you getting ready?"

A question made the elven prince look back. He then saw his father, standing proud with a crown on his head

"For what father?" Legolas asked in confusion

Thranduil's brows met, showing confusion "That's strange. I thought you were informed that you'll be going out today"

"Out?" Legolas asked "I am not informed of getting out"

Thranduil sighed "Lady Yulier asked my permission for you to go outside, like having an adventure. She was excited about it and I can't decline someone like her who was very excited to have your company in a journey" he explained briefly

"Journey? Her? Are you serious father? Isn't she the light princess? Is she even allowed to go?" Legolas asked

"I didn't have time to council with her mother and father but I think it'll be fine as long as she have you by her side. Lady Galadriel trusts you." Thranduil said

Legolas took a deep breath

"Go and be ready for your journey. I shall see the princess" Thranduil said then he patted his son's shoulder and walked out

"So that's what she said about having a journey huh?" Legolas walk towards his room


"Lady Yulier" Thranduil called the elven princess

Yulier looked at the king "Lord Thranduil" She bowed her head

She is wearing a black tunic top, fitted pants, boots, black coat, that is all made in elvish cloth.

"I see that you are ready" Thranduil said as he looked at her "Do you know how to use weapons Lady Yulier?"

Yulier holds her Elvish swords and looked at them "I do. I am required to learn them back at home, for emergencies." She said as she put her two swords in her back "I am much more enhanced in swords than a bow though"

Her servants helped her fixed her things

"Does your mother and father okay with this? If you don't mind, you are kept in the chamber of light for safety, and now you want to have a journey and we can't say that you're safe" Thranduil said in a concerned tone "The great eye is gone but we cannot sure what will you meet in your journey"

"I can assure you that I'll be fine" Yulier said while smiling "I know what I'm doing. And I know that my mother and father will understand it" she said as Elena put the cloak in her mistress

"Father" Legolas called his father, ready to go.

Yulier noticed that Legolas is with someone

"Legolas. Tauriel?" Thandruil said in a confused tone

"Tauriel wish to go with us in our journey" Legolas said while smiling and looked at Tauriel

"If you don't mind Lord Thandruil, I want to accompany Prince Legolas in his journey" Tauriel said while smiling

Tauriel, her bronze hair is let down. She's wearing a green elvish clothing, a bow and arrow hanging in her back, and a sword placed at her back.

"Legolas isn't the one who you're going to accompany. Lady Yulier will be too." Thandruil said then he looked at Yulier "Is it okay for you to have another company?" He asked the princess

Yulier looked at Legolas. Legolas and Tauriel were looking at her "Of course. I don't mind" she smiled "It's a pleasure to meet you Tauriel"

but secretly, the princess felt a pang in her chest but she hid it in herself, knowing that Legolas will be much more happy being accompanied by Tauriel

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