Chapter 7

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"I welcome you to this gathering. Once again we meet my friends." Elrond started "Last time there was a war in the middle-earth, a war with the great eye, a war that is cause of the one ring. We succesfully won the battle, with the help of the great heroes, Legolas the elf, Gimli the dwarf, Aragorn the human, Gandalf the white, Frodo, Merry, Pippin, and Sam" he said as he looked around "We saved many lives but we lost great friends" Elrond put his hand on his left chest and bowed remembering Boromir, Theoden and the others who have sacrificed themselves for the peace of this world "They died in honour" He said "But now the threat was gone and another one came"

everyone was​ confused of what Elrond just said

"I have been informed that there where armies that cannot be determined, they are out of the middle-earth's borders, passed through Mordor, there were men we don't know of. They have destroyed villages near Mordor. I'm afraid we do not know our new enemy" Elrond said "And they must be stopped"

"so they we're the ones I have been heard of" Finally, Aragorn speaks "They have been also wandering around Gondor's borders. some says that they are strong and nothing like orcs"

"This is a new threat for middle-earth" Gimli said "We shall fight for peace"

"Yet we do not know our enemy" Legolas said "How can we fight them if we do not know them?"

"Then we shall know them" Gimly said proudly

"I need volunteers for this task" Elrond said as he looked around "We need information about our enemy"

"I'll go" a female voice echoed around the great hall

everyone looked at her with confusion and some with wide eyes

Yulier slowly stepped up in the gathering "I am Yulier, daughter of Galadriel, the next Lady of the woods, volunteer to be in this task"

Elrond was in alert but he didn't speak for he does not have the power to disagree

"You cannot go!" Tauriel said "I'll be the one going in your place"

Yulier looked at Tauriel confusely "And why not?"

"Because you are the light princess and evil is upon us again" Legolas said "We cannot allow you to go for it is dangerous for you. And you do not have much experience in battle"

Yulier felt a pain in Legolas' words. It's like for her, Legolas was saying she would only be a nuisance but she kept the pain all by herself

She composed herself "You do not have the power to turn your will against me" she said in an authorative voice "This evil has threaten my home and I cannot just stand here and do nothing. I will come whether you like it or not, it is my own decision to go." She looked at Tauriel "It's my own place to go, and no one will go in my place. No one" she said

Anger slowly eats Yulier inside but she kept herself calm

"I do not see any wrong thing about her going in the journey" Aragorn said as he placed his hands on his chest "I will go with you Lady Yulier"

Yulier smiled at Aragorn "Thank you for understanding"

"If someone wished to go in the journey. You shall come to my room" Elrond said "Yulier, come with me"

Yulier and Elrond stepped out of the gathering

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