Chapter 17

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Yulier turned her head towards Legolas direction, looking at his blonde hair. She put both of her hands into his, placed in her tummy "Legolas. You are forgiven. Your heart is full of sadness and worries, don't you let your heart be bothered, you're an elf" she rest her cheeks into Legolas' temple "Heart beats fast, colors and promises. How to be brave? How can I love when I'm afraid to fall but watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow" Yulier sang

Light dust suddenly appeared around them, dancing to Yulier's song

"One step closer" Yulier sang in a beautiful melody

It is said that the song of the Light princess can heal a wound inside a lost creature, it can bring warmth to the heart and bring hope

Legolas looked up and saw the beautiful lights around them, he even saw the stars beautiful formation

Yulier put the back of her head in Legolas shoulder while closing her eyes "I have died, everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid, I have love you" Yulier removed her left hand from holding Legolas' hands in her and reached put for his cheeks "For a thousand years, I love you for a thousand more"

Legolas looked at her with love, though he did not know about it, he love her very much

Yulier woke up from a deep slumber, she fixed herself and walked towards the throne room

"Good afternoon lassie" Gimli greeted Yulier

"I'm sorry I overslept" Yulier said

"Its okay" Tauriel smiled at her "We understand that you we're really tired on your journey"

"Hey sleepy princess. Good afternoon" Alhor said with a smile

"What's with that smile Alhor?" Yulier asked

"I saw what happened last night" Alhor whispered "and he's looking at me right now with death glares" Alhor quickly stepped back, giving a distance between him and Yulier

Yulier felt her cheeks burned

"Are you okay Lady Yulier?" Tauriel asked "You look red"

"Oh I'm fine.. It's nothing--" she was about to fall when Legolas quickly catched her

"Yulier?" Legolas called her, looking at her

Yulier's hearing slowly fades and her eyes slowly shut

"She's not very well" Tauriel said as she put her hands on Yulier's forehead

Legolas carried Yulier to her room and placed her in the bed

"We should ask for a doctor" Gimli said in a panic

"No mere doctor can help Lady Yulier" Tauriel said "We need an elf doctor"

"But we're not in the Elf borders. How do we get one?" Gimli asked

"Aragorn" Legolas whisphered "Gimli! Call Aragorn!" Legolas said

Gimli quickly run outside to find Aragorn

"I'll go get some cold water" Tauriel said and left the room

Legolas sat down beside Yulier's bed and held her burning hands tightly

"She's burning up" Legolas said in a worried tone

"I think she's just tired" Alhor said "She'd been using her powers recently, I think her body needs a long rest"

Legolas looked at Alhor "But we are not sure" Legolas looked at Yulier

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