Chapter 22

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"Aragorn!" A beautiful elf quickly run into her husband arms "I have missed you so. Are you hurt?" She asked in a worried tone

Aragorn placed his forehead into his queen's "I am fine, my queen, do not worry"

Arwen turned her heads to the others "It was nice seeing you again Legolas, Gimli. And it was nice seeing you too Tauriel of the Mirkwood guards"

Legolas and Tauriel put their hand in their chest and bowed, Gimli took off his helmet and bowed

Arwen stopped as she looked at the woman who was standing beside Legolas and was wearing a hood "Who is she?" She asked as she looked at his husband

Aragorn smiled "She's your aunt"

Arwen stood shock at her place

Yulier slowly took off her clothes and smiled at Arwen "It was nice to finally meet you Arwen. I am Yulier, daughter of Galadriel and Celeborn, I am the sister of your mother, Celebrian"

Arwen run towards Yulier and hugged her "I do not expect for this moment to come"

Yulier hugged Arwen back "I am sorry that It took so long for you to finally meet me" she caress her niece's face "you looked so much like your mother"

"My father told me so" Arwen smiled "He told me she has a white hair like you"

Yulier smiled and said "They say that we do look a like"

"Father" a little boy run towards Aragorn and Aragorn reaches out for the kid and took him in his arms

"How have you been Aralien?" Aragorn asked as he kissed the kid's cheeks

"This is Aralien. He's your grandson" Arwen introduced her son to Yulier

Yulier smiled and touched Aralien "It was nice seeing you Aralien"

"Who is she?" Aralien asked as he bit his fingers

"She's your grandmother Aralien. Greet her" Aragorn introduced

"Hello" Aralien greeted

Yulier smiled and a thought came to her mind, she's going to be a mother soon. How can she tell it to Legolas? She know that her mother knows about her condition now.

"You must be tired" Arwen said "I have prepared rooms for you, later you can have dinner with us"

Yulier bid a goodbye to Arwen and his son and walked towards in her assigned room

Yulier looked at the mirror and touched her tummy

"Soon" she took a deep breath "I too.."


Yulier composed herself and looked at Legolas "Yes?"

"Are you feeling okay now?" He asked as he walked towards Yulier "Are you going to rest now?"

Yulier shook her head "I already slept for a long period of time. I'm okay" she smiled

Legolas put his arms around her and kissed her temple "You know that I am here for you"

"I know" Yulier snuggled her face in Legolas arms

"Yulier" he cupped her cheeks "I.." Legolas cannot find a word to say anymore he kissed her lips

Yulier grip on Legolas' back for support

They we're about to lay down on the bed when

A knock came from the door "Aunt?" Arwen called

Legolas and Yulier broke the kiss and looked at each other

"Are you not going to join us for the dinner?" Arwen asked

"I am" she answered "I'll be right there dear"

"Okay, we'll be waiting for you" Arwen said

Legolas kissed Yulier again in the lips but a knock came again

"Have you seen Legolas?" Arwen asked "I knocked at his door but it seems his not there"

Legolas sighed and said "I am here Arwen"

"Legolas?" She called with a shock tone "Oh. Sorry for disturbing you, the dinner is ready if you want to eat" and with that Arwen finally go

Yulier looked at Legolas

Legolas laughed "What?"

"You're unbelievable" Yulier said and started to walk towards the door

"What? Isn't this normal?" Legolas asked while laughing

Yulier quickly run towards Legolas and kissed him, Legolas was shocked but he was going to respond when Yulier quickly broke the kiss "Let's go eat"

Legolas slowly shook his head and walked with Yulier
Aragorn was smiling as they eat at the table

"so" Arwen started "Auntie" she looked at Yulier "Have you? Do you have a relationship with Legolas?" She asked

All stopped at eating and stayed quiet. Suddenly Aragorn and Gimli started to laugh, Tauriel was also smiling, Yulier felt her face burned and Legolas was smiling

"Aragorn" Arwen gently said

Aragorn quickly fixed himself

"He's a match that mother picked for me" Yulier answered "He had rejected me already so I do not know if we have any relationship right now"

All was shocked and looked at Legolas with unbelievable eyes

"You rejected her?" Arwen asked in a shocked tone

Gimli was not shock about this for he knows the story already. Yulier was just eating quietly

Legolas cleared his tone "It was not intentional, everything is still not clear back then"

"Back then? What about now?" Tauriel asked feeling curious about the two

Legolas looked away "I still cannot answer that" he said and he simply took a glance to Yulier seeing her reaction

But Yulier was still composed and eating quietly

Arwen looked at the two and smiled "So Auntie, can you tell me something about mother?" She asked excitedly

Yulier smiled at Arwen "Of course. Later, come drop by my room and I'll tell you a lot of stories about her"

After dinner Arwen dropped by Yulier's room, excited for she would learn more about her mother and as promised Yulier told Arwen all the story she knows about her sister

Arwen was laying on Yulier's lap as she talk about her sister with love, she even sang a song to Arwen and Arwen fell asleep

Yulier gently moved Arwen, she kissed her her temple and leave the room

Yulier smiled at Aragorn who was waiting outside "She fell asleep" she said

Aragorn nodded "It is obvious to fall asleep in your beautiful song"

Yulier let out a small laugh "Go and get her. I'll take a walk outside"

Aragorn nodded and entered the room

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