Chapter 7: Moving On

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Chapter 7: Moving On


*Casey's POV*

It had been a week that I had been back at firehouse 51 and it had not changed, everybody was still not talking to me, they only talked to me when they had to but besides that they wouldn't say anything else. We were currently in the kitchen eating when I seen Shay and Dawson sitting down eating and laughing when all of a sudden Clarke walked up to their table and then Dawson and him walked out of the kitchen towards the locker room, I couldn't understand why I wanted to know so bad why they had left but I shook that feeling off and walked over towards Shay and Severide and smiled and sat down but once I sat down Shay just looked at me and rolled her eyes at me and got up and walked to another table.

Well it was obvious that she would be mad at me she is Dawson's best friend of course she would be by her side, I just shrugged hopefully everyone one end up accepting that I was back and that they would start talking to me like before. "So I have something to ask you" I told Severide, he looked at me, "Yeah?" he asked me. "What are you doing tomorrow night?" I asked him. He thought for a minute "Im not sure why?" he asked, "Well Lauren wanted to go out to dinner and since she really doesn't really know anybody here only Laura but its pretty obvious we wont be going out on a double date with her and Antonio I wanted to know if you and Renee were up for a double date with us?" I asked him. He stayed quiet for a minute probably thinking "I dont know I ask her and I let you know later" he said and in that moment the alarm went off for Squad so he got up and left then I seen Clarke walking towards the truck smiling.

I looked around and noticed that Shay was not in the kitchen anymore, she was probably with Dawson then the alarm went off again this time for the paramedics only, while the paramedics were gone Squad came back and I still noticed how Clarke kept smiling, it was pretty weird that truck didn't get any calls but I wasnt complaining. Once again the alarm went off and once again it was for Squad as Squad was leaving Shay and Dawson were walking back in and then Hermann stood up and asked Dawson a question "Hey Dawson do you think you can cover my shift tomorrow night for me?" I heard him ask her, I was ready for her to say yes because that was the type of person she was if she could she would help you but then Shay answered for her, "Sorry she cant she has a date with Clarke tomorrow night" when I heard that I immediately focused on her, trying to see if it was true.

When I seen that she wasnt saying anything I knew it was true but how? Where they a thing did he have a thing for her? Did she have a thing for him? but most importantly for how long? "Its about time" I heard but I really didn't pay attention to who said it, apparently everybody was waiting for them to get together. Then I seen her face of confusion "Wait you guys knew he liked me?" she asked them and then I seen Cruz, Otis, Hermann, and Shay nodded their heads "Yeah we were all waiting for him to ask you out and it seems like h finally had the nerve to ask you" Hermann said. Dawson just smiled and nodded her head but I could see it in her eyes that it didn't meet her smile. After a while she walked out of the firehouse and after a while I followed her and then I stood next to her just taking in some fresh air.

She was so lost in her thought that she didn't even notice me standing there when she finally did I could tell she really was not expecting me to be there. "What are you doing out here?" she asked me, "Getting some fresh air" I semi lied to her because yes I did need some air but I also wanted to know about her and Clarke, she just nodded her head and she turned around and was about to walk back inside the firehouse but then I spoke up "You and Clarke huh?" I mentally slapped myself I sounded stupid, she turned back around to face me now. "Yeah I guess why?" she replied. I could tell she was not in the mood to have this conversation with me, "How long?" I couldn't stop myself from asking. "First off why do you care how long? my life is my life you shouldn't care and second just because I dont feel like being a bitch it will be our first date" she replied.

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