Chapter 28: My Family

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Chapter 28: My Family


*Matt's POV*

I parked across the diner and seen Severide already sitting there I got out of my truck and made my way inside after ordering we began to talk, "So what's been going on with Lauren now?" he asked, so I told him what had happened and her denying sleeping with Clarke. "So what do you think I should do?" I asked him. "I think you cant let her control you life this woman is crazy Matt and I wouldn't give in to her threats she just want to separate you from Gabby the question is are you going to let her?" he asked me. I stayed silent because I knew he was right but nonetheless this might be my baby and I had to be there for her even if I didn't want to.

After having breakfast with Severide and him telling me how great things are going with Samantha we said our goodbye's and I made my way home, as I parked I noticed Antonio's car parked I immediately this would not be a good visit. As I made my way to the car I could hear them arguing as I opened the door they both looked at me and then I seen Antonio charging towards me but Gabby came and stepped in between us. "Your still protecting him after everything" Antonio said and Gabby was going to say something once again we heard something upstairs and seen Andy there standing on top of the stairs. "Mommy and daddy I had a nightmare" he said as he rubbed his little eyes. "Can you go please I need to talk to Antonio" Gabby said turning to face me.

I really didn't want to leave her but I knew me being there would just bring more problems, I would have my chance to talk to Antonio later. I walked upstairs and picked my son up and instead of going to his room I went to my room I was tired and thought it would be nice to just lay down with him. I got in the bed and covered him and myself under the cover, "So what's up bud?" I asked him as we laid there on the bed. "I had a nightmare that you were going to leave us again, daddy are you gonna leave us again?" he asked me. Looking at his sad face made my heart break. "Son I will never you guys again you guys are the most important people in my life and I will never leave" I told him and it looked like he was okay. After that little conversation we ended up falling asleep.

I was awaken by someone shaking me, I looked next to me to see that Andy was still asleep I looked up and saw Gabby standing there, "Hey what time is it?" I whispered trying not to wake up Andy as I rubbed my eyes. "Its 9:30 you guys fell asleep" she said clearly amused by this. I quietly took off the cover from me and got out of the bed and followed Gabby downstairs so we could talk. "So what happened with your brother?" I asked her. "I dont know how he found out about Lauren but he was furious and he thought it was best if we ended things again" she told me. I wasnt surprised but I really wanted to hear what she told him. "And what do you think about that? I mean do you feel..." but I didn't get to finish when she came to standing in front of me and kissed me.

God I loved kissing her, it was a passionate kiss and I knew she didn't agree with her brother. After a couple of minutes of kissing we pulled apart but with our forehead still touching and when I opened my eyes I see that Gabby still has hers closed "I cant lose you again Matt, I cant even imagine my life without you" she said as she opened her eyes and looked straight at me. "I cant imagine my life without you either like I told you before you and Andy are the most important people in my life and were going to get past this together of course." I told her making her smile and then we kissed again. After our kiss we heard footsteps and seen Andy walking into the kitchen and of course he was hungry. We decided to stay in and watch movies until we had to go to work tonight.

We both had shift tonight at 9pm so around 8 we both started to get ready luckily Gabby's parents were able to take care of Andy until we got him tomorrow when he got out of school. we left the house at 8:20 since we had to take him to their house and then head over to firehouse. Once we got there we both went to the locker room then I went to talk to Clarke I had to see what he wanted to do to see who the real father was. I wasnt angry but I was confused how did they end up together or what happened I had so many questions that only he could answer because it was obvious that Lauren would not tell me anything. I also needed to know how Antonio found out about Lauren and the baby.

After getting a cup of coffee to help me stay up all night I walked outside to see Clarke just standing there, I walked up to him and stood next to him "Is it true?" I asked him and I could feel him tense up "Yea it is look Casey I never," but I didn't let him finish "How long ago and how many times?" I asked him. I really didn't want to know any details but I needed to know to make sure. "It was when Gabby told me that she still loved you I was upset and I wanted to separate you guys and I went to drink and then I got the idea that Lauren could help me we were still drinking at her place well I was already drunk since I had was drinking before and before I knew it we were kissing and then we ended up sleeping together and it was that one time only" he told me.

"Then there is a chance that that baby could be mines what if she was pregnant before she slept with you all this is confusing" I said and then something came to mind about what he said. "What if this is all a plan of both of yours you just told me that you wanted to come up with a plan to separate me and Gabby what if this is the plan and your playing it off as if you dont know." I told him now I was just more confused then before. He shook his head "This is a plan Casey Im over Gabby I am honestly in love with Samantha yea at first I thought I would never get over Gabby but I did you think I want to be in this situation haven't you thought about my life what if this baby is really mines then what? What will happen with Samantha I dont want to lose her, Im scared of her leaving me over this" he said.

For the first time I could tell he was being truthful, he did have something to lose to "But if you know you can lose Samantha then why speak up? I mean you could have just not said anything and I could have kept on believing that this baby is mine" I asked him. "Because that wouldn't be right look I admit I was upset about you two getting back together but I see how happy you make her and I am finally with someone who I love and that she loves me too, it would be right I want everything that happened between us to be behind us" he told me but before I could say anything the bell rang and we had our first call of the night. The night was pretty uneventful we had a few calls but not much, it was finally 9am and shift was finally over.

I walked out of the firehouse with my hand around Gabby's shoulder laughing and joking around with everybody else as we walked out of the firehouse, it all came crashing down when I seen Lauren standing there by her car and when she seen me she started making her way towards us. "Let that bitch say anything" Shay said clearly upset that she was there. "Dont Shay she isn't worth it and plus she is pregnant after all" Gabby reasoned. Sometimes she surprised because I understood Shay's angry and I was expecting Gabby to be the same way but she was calm and was the reasonable one. "I need to talk to you now" Lauren told me. "I cant Im tired and Im heading home" I told her but she wouldn't take no for an answer. "I'll wait in the car for you" gabby said as she kissed me and made her way to our car...




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