Chapter 36: Change of Last Name

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Chapter 36: Change of Last Name


*Matt's POV*
After that night we started the process of legally changing Andy's name which brings us here 2 weeks later today was our day off luckily we both had the day off and we just got home and as Gabby went to the get the mail I went upstairs to change while Andy also went to get change I had finished changing when I heard Gabby screaming my name from downstairs. I ran downstairs panicked that something happened but then I seen her smiling and holding a big yellow envelope then Andy came running down too.

"What's wrong mama?" Andy asked her. She looked from Andy to me and she was smiling the whole time. She ignored Andy's question and opened the envelope and her smile got bigger as she handed me the envelope I looked at her with confusion and then I started reading the papers and I couldn't even believe it my eyes widened then I looked at Gabby who was smiling. "I can't believe it" I said as I embraced her in a hug as we both laughed. "What's going on?" We heard Andy asked we pulled apart and Gabby was wiping tears from her eyes. "Well bud we just got really great news" I explained to him. "What?" He asked me. "Well..." I said as I picked him up and placed my arms around Gabby's shoulder and we started walking towards the living and sat on the couch. "Remember how we went to court about 2 weeks ago so we can legally change your last name?" I asked him and he nodded "Well these papers are informing us that as of today right now your are Andrew Matthew Casey" I told him.

He smiled and then got up and started to jumping around screaming after having to stop him he hugged us. "When is mama gonna have our last name papa?" He asked me. "Well not for a while baby we still need to get everything ready for the wedding which most likely won't be until next year" Gabby explained to him, he immediately stopped smiling and frowned. "Hey before you know it all of us will be Casey's a big family" I told him. "When will I have a baby brother?" He asked us, we both didn't say anything because to be honest I didn't know if Gabby wanted to have more children I knew I did I wanted to be a father for as long as I could remember. "I think it's a little to soon to be asking that baby" Gabby said. I could see the disappointed look on Andys face "Why dont you go up to your room buddy and we'll call you when dinner is ready" I told him and he immediately ran up the stairs. I followed Gabby and sat down on the couch, "Is it?" I asked her after a couple of minutes. She turned and faced me.

"I dont know do you think its too soon?" she asked me, "No" I honestly told her which made her eyes widened, "Are you serious?" she asked me. "Well I dont mean right this minute but I would love to have children as soon as we get married wouldn't you?" I asked her. "Of course I would I just wasn't sure you were ready" she said. I couldn't help but laugh at this "Babe of course I'm ready I'm actually excited to get married then have more children with you because this time I will actually be there for you and I will be there for our baby" I told her. "Im so happy to hear you say that baby" she said as she wrapped her arms around my neck, I immediately hugged her back. After dinner we all went into the living and watched television before we all went to bed because tomorrow Andy had school and we had work to go to. Luckily after reading Andyh8is favorite book he feel right asleep which could have made some time alone with Gabby but we were both tired so as soon as our heads hit the pillow we fell asleep too.

*Next Day*

I woke up to the smell of breakfast and when I went downstairs right in  front of me was a big stack of pancakes and Gabby was still behind the stove, "Woah are we feeding a whole army?" I asked her making her laugh, "No actually Shay, Severide, and Stella are coming over so I rather have food left over than have hungry people" she said right as the doorbell rang. "That must be them can you open the door please" she said. I walked over and opened the door to see Shay, Severide, and Stella standing there, I motioned them to come in, we all walked into the kitchen as we seen Andy sitting on one of the chairs digging into a pancake already. "Auntie Leslie, uncle Kelly" he said with food in his mouth "Andrew Matthew what have I told you about alkking with food in your mouth" Gabby said as she came around the counter holding 2 mugs giving them to Stella and Shay then she walked back and got to more mugs and gave them to Severide and I a mug.

We all sat down and we started eating which my the end I was full because breakfast consisted of pancakes, scrambled eggs, bacon, hash browns and toasted bread. After breakfast we all had to leave luckily Danielle picked Andy up 10 minutes ago so we were now in my truck  driving to the firehouse, Severide and Shay were happy to hear that Andy was now legally a Casey he wouldn't stop talking about it during breakfast. After 10 minutes of driving we arrived to the firehouse, "I dont think it was such a good idea to eat so much" I told Gabby, causing her to laugh. "I have to agree with you on this one I dont even want to get out of the car right now." she said now making me laugh, after another minute of us just sitting there we had to get out so we wouldn't be late for shift. As we walked in Shay and Severide were also walking in since he had to take Stella to her firehouse. The day went by pretty fast and before I knew it Gabby and I were walking hand in hand out of the firehouse towards the car. To be honest I could  tell Gaby was to tired to go home and cook we had call after call.

So before going home I stopped at McDonalds one of Andy's favorites fast food places after going through the drive thru we made our way home, as we entered wee seen Danielle helping Andy do his homework when he seen us he immediately got up and ran towards us and hugged us, and he got more happy when he seen the food in our hands. After walking Danielle out we began to eat as we ate we talked and laughed. After dinner we sat in the living room until Gabby had to go take Andy a bath while she was doing that I decided to take a shower myself. After my shower I got under the covers and watched television until Gabby walked in and took a shower and then she got in the bed too...





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