Chapter 20: Just Like Old Times

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Chapter 20: Just Like Old Times


*Dawson's POV*

I finally got to leave the hospital I was happy but sad because Andy still had to stay for another week, not only that I was nervous because Casey would be moving in with us and because he was moving in today it would only be me and him. I really wanted to call Shay to see if she wanted to come over but decided not to because I had to confront this. We had agreed to try to work on our relationship. I didn't know if we were a couple or what or if we were just dating to see if this would work out. Ugh I cant believe Im overthinking this I just want all of this to work out. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice that Casey was parked outside of the house until he cleared his throat. "Hey you okay?" he asked me looking at me worried.

"Yeah just worried about Andy" I lied to him, "I know you're worried but that is not what you are worried about" he said. I cant believe that after all these years he still knew me. I shook my head "It's nothing really come on lets go in" I said as I opened the door and got out I walked to the back to get my bag but he wouldn't let me carry anything. As I unlocked the front door I was carried bridal style with me laughing "What are you doing Matt?" I asked him as he closed the door with his foot.  "You're still weak and you need your rest" he said as he walked up the stairs and laid me down on my bed. I couldn't help but laughing. "So you're not letting me out of this bed?" I asked him, with him nodded his head "Well what about dinner or are we going to starve?" I asked him.

"Well I was thinking about take out just for tonight you need to take it easy so what will it be?" he asked me, I really didn't want to cook so I told him Chinese food and he walked downstairs to get the number of the Chinese food by the house and placed our order for deliver. After 10 minutes he walked back in with some suitcases, "Chinese food should be here in a bit but im going to the guest room to unpack" he said he was about to walk out of the room when I stopped him, "Matt wait!" I said he turned back to me "Yes?" he asked me. ""umm why not unpack here? I mean..." I was stuck I cursed at myself. "Are you asking me to stay here with you inside of the guest room?" he asked me as he sat down on my bed. I looked up at him "Well yea I mean I if you're okay with it I'm still unsure of what this is" I said pointing toward both of us and he understood and he came closer to me. "Gabby I told you your the only one I want and I want this to work if you want us to go slow then we'll go slow but I dont want to honestly I want to skip all those steps you know me and I know you now im not asking you to marry me... yet because I know its still to soon for that but I dont want it to be awkward between us" he said.

I smiled at him because that is exactly what I wanted to hear I leaned forward and kissed him "I dont want to take things slow either so unpack her Matt I want sleep next to you every night and wake up with you by my side I want us to be a family" I said after kissing him and having our foreheads together with my eyes closed. He pecked my lips one last time before we heard the doorbell downstairs and not even a second later my stomach growling causing us to laugh. "Perfect timing" he said and stood up and walked out of the room. Five minutes later he walked in carrying a try with our food and drinking, he set it in front of me and then he walked around our bed. I couldn't help but smile OUR! Everything from now on is ours well anyways he sat besides me and we began to eat while make small talk. He wanted to know everything about Andy, even thought I told him everything before he wanted every little detail.

After eating we just laid there watching television until I started feeling tired I got up and opened the drawer and got my pajamas which consisted of a long t shirt some shorts, I walked into the restroom to changed and when I walked out I seen Casey's suitcases on the bed open and him in the closet putting some clothes away, I walked over to the drawers and cleared out two of them and walked back to the bed. "There are 2 drawers for you" I informed him and he smield and thanked me. He walked over and put all his boxers and under shirts in there afterwards he put the suitcases in the closet and went into the restroom and got changed. I was tired all I wanted to do was sleep so I could see Andy tomorrow morning. I had my back facing Matt when I felt the bed dip and I knew Casey was already laying down already and then I felt his arms around my waist. "Good night baby" he said kissing my temple, I smiled at his affection "Good night" and with that we both fell asleep.

*Next morning*

We got ready and ate and then went to visit Andy we spent most of the day there and he was so happy to hear that his dad had already moved in, he was already talking about how matt would be able to take him to school and how he could help him with his homework everyday. I had to admit seeing them making all these plans together made me smile and my heart just melt. "We'll finally be a family" Andy said. Casey and I looked at each other and smiled "Yeah baby were finally going to be a family" I said and then we spend the rest of the day playing board games. When we finally had to leave I had to kiss him a hundred times. As we made our way to the car I didn't want to go home so as we got in the car I looked at him before he even started the engine "I dont want to go home how about we go to Molly's?" I asked him he looked at me "You sure?" he asked me and I nodded my head "Okay then wherever you want to go then we'll go" he said and began to drive.

After 5 minutes we arrived at Molly's when we entered we seen that it was packed, "Hey what are you guys doing here?" Otis asked behind the bar which made everybody look at us. Then I seen my brother who was with some of his co workers look our way too and he didn't look to pleased. "Ill be right back" I whispered to Matt who knew that I was going to talk to my brother he nodded and I made my way to my brother. "So you guys back together?" he asked me after I gave him a hug and kiss. "Yeah we want to make things work I still love him and he loves me" I told him. He took a breath and then let it out "I cant tell you what to do Gabs, I want you to be happy and if he is your happiness then who am I to say otherwise I just hope he doesn't hurt you because this time I will hurt him" he said causing me to laugh. "Well you dont have to worry about that because if he doesn't hurt me again then I will be the one to go after him." I told him making him laugh.

"Well if I were him I would be more scared of you than me so good luck for him." he said as we both laughed when I felt a hand wrap around my waist "here" he whispered as he had 2 bottles of beer in front of me and I got them "Thank you" I said as I set them down on the table. "Matt I need to talk to you lets go outside" Antonio said, I was going to interfere but I knew it was pointless and plus I was a bit happy because I knew my brother was doing this because he loved me. Matt nodded and gave me a kiss on the cheek before following my brother outside. After they left me Shay, Burgess, and Lindsay walked up to me, "So you and Matt are back together?" Burgess asked me, I nodded "Yeah we both still love each other" I told them and then told them everything. "Im glad for you Dawson, if Casey is your happiness then you should be with him no matter what anybody else says" Lindsay said. "So how did Lauren take the news?" Shay asked.

"As expected not good, but lets not talk about her were here to have a good time and talking about her is not a good time." I said Hermann came with 4 tequila shots, we cheered and then we drank them. I really haven't drank in a long time being a mom I had to be on top of Andy, so I really could drink and the nights I had to work here well I couldn't drink of course. After 10 minutes I seen Matt and Antonio walk back in, I was surprised to see them smiling. They walked back and Antonio winked at me before walking over to Ruzek. Matt walked up to me before wrapping his arms around my waist as I wrapped my hands around his neck. "Everything okay?" I asked him, he looked down at me "Just perfect" he said before leaning down and kissing me. I could stop from smiling I was happy once again and I finally had the family I wanted.

The night went by so fast we were all doing shot or just drinking beer everybody from the firehouse and pd were enjoying themselves. Casey told me that he talked to Hermann and the rest of the guys and they set their differences aside. Severide told me that Clarke had ask for his vacation time which was 3 weeks I was sad but I knew that he just needed time for himself I just hope he doesn't hate me and we could still be friends. It was around 1am when we left Matt decided not drink that much by 11pm he cut off liquor and started drinking water. We got home and he carried me upstairs I had to admit I was drunk even though I didn't drink that much I guess since I hadn't drank in years it got to me. The next morning I woke up with the long shirt I usually wear and didn't remember how I got it on but I had a feeling that Matt had something to do with it.I got up even though I had a headache and decided to make breakfast for us and Matt was still asleep so after finishing breakfast I took it up on the tray and woke Matt up, after 5 minutes he finally woke up and we ate and then got ready to see Andy...




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