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I wanted to ask you guys some questions to help me with the upcoming chapter especially the next one. I have began writing it but I am stuck so if you guys please let me know the answers to my question and if you guys want to add something please let me know.

Well first I intended for this story to be a short story but after seeing how much you guys love it not sure, so anyways do you guys want to see more drama between Dawsey?

Do you guys like Renee and Severide to be together?

If not who would you like Severide to be with? I could even add a new character for him just add a name and a person to be her.

Should Clarke do something to separate Dawsey?

Should Clarke and Lauren end up together? or should they get new love interest?

A lot of you want Brett to be in more chapters when I add her who would you like to see her with?

Should Gabby have forgiven Matt so easily?

Thank you guys for so much love to this story! I will be posting as soon as I know what you guys want

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