Chapter 41: Birthday and Surprises Part 2

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Chapter 41: Birthday and Surprises Part 2


*Casey's POV*
It was Saturday which meant Andy's 6th birthday which also meant his first birthday that I am going to be with him. This morning Gabby woke us up early saying that every year she wake Andy up with a cupcake singing happy birthday to him. So she went went to the bakery around the corner she came back 5 minutes later and held the cupcake with the candle and we went to his room.

After he got up and walked out of his room Gabby and I sat there until she spoke up "Matt listen we need to talk" she said. Why did she want to talk about she sounded serious, "About what?" I asked her but before she could even answer the doorbell rang "Well talk about this tonight" she said and got up. I have to say that I was worried about what she had to talk about, she couldn't possibly be regretting getting married with me right? I mean we did it once already but maybe she is having all these questions. I had to stop thinking about it and walked out of the room to help set up. Of course when I walked downstairs Shay was the one to be here, just like Gabby told me as a good godmother that Shay was, was the second person to wish Andy a happy birthday well third person now that I'm here.

The day went great I couldn't believe that I have missed out on 5 birthdays like this but I'm glad that from now on I could. I had a good day celebrating my son birthday I could tell he was having a fun time with his cousin and all his family and friends here. By the end of the night I was exhausted, after helping Gabby and Shay clean up I made my way to tuck in Andy. After reading him a bed time story I made my way to my room and waited for Gabby because I needed to talk to her and find out what was going on. She came to the room a few minutes later "Can we talk now?" I asked her and she nodded as she walked into the closet and got changed then she sat on the bed across from me.

"What's going on Gabs? I've noticed that something is going on I haven't ask because I didn't want to pressure you but I need to know" I told her. I was waiting for her to answer me but instead she got something from behind her back and then handed it to me I looked at it and then at her and then back at the pregnancy test she just handed me "I haven't been feeling all that great lately and I didn't really think about it until last week when Shay asked me if I could be pregnant so I started thinking and then it hit me after I took the pregnancy test at first I thought that the reason I didn't get my period was because of all the stress but when I seen this I knew it wasn't" she told me.

I didn't even think about it and leaned forward and kissed her before she could keep speaking. When we pulled apart she had tears down her eyes, "Baby what's wrong?" I asked her and she wiped the tears "I was just so scared when I found out I mean we've talked about it but I never though it was going to happen so fast you okay with this right?" She asked me and I could tell she was worried that I would say no. "Gabby all I ever wanted was a family you know that, this is the best news I have received because this baby besides from Andy is our a baby that I will be here from the beginning" I told her and kissed her once more, now I know why she was acting weird this whole time I was worried for nothing. "Have you told anyone?" I asked her and she shook her head "no not yet Shay wants to know but I think she already knows the result" she told me.

"Well do you want to tell your family first?" I asked her, "No actually we have to go to the doctors to make sure everything is okay and I dont want to tell anybody until after the first trimester" she said which I gave a confused looked and she must have seen it because she started laughing, "after 3 months babe because the first 3 months anything can happen, god forbid it but I could have a miscarriage which is why woman wait until their second trimester to tell people" she explained. "I mean everything went good during your pregnancy with Andy right?" I asked her now worried why I never asked her this is unbelievable. "Yea everything was good" she told me which I was relieved. "Well what about Andy when do you want to tell him?" I asked her, "Well he will definitely be happy about having a sibling but I also think that we should wait any case of anything" she told me "Well your the expert here so ill just do whatever you want to do" I said as we both laid down with her snuggled next to me.

We fell asleep not to long after and I had the same smile I had last night when I woke up this morning. Luckily we both didn't have to work today so I woke up earlier than her and Andy so went downstairs and did breakfast for us as I was about done I hear footsteps coming down the stairs and in comes Andy. "Morning daddy" he said a little to loud "shhh" I said as I placed a finger on my lips, I walked around and kissed him on his forehead "Morning bud you hungry?" I asked him and he nodded. "Okay how about we have breakfast with mama in bed today?" I asked him and he nodded and had a smile on his face, "Alright then let's go" I said as I picked up the tray very carefully and followed Andy upstairs to our bedroom to see Gabby still sleeping.

After setting the tray on the night table I pick up and and set him on the bed, he crawls over to Gabby and kissed her on her cheek over and over again making me laugh as Gabby moved, "Mama wake up" Andy said and now Gabby was awake as she stretched her arms "Morning mama" Andy said making both Gabby and I to smile "Morning baby" she said as she kissed him all over his face. "You hungry?" I asked her and she nodded "Good cause breakfast is ready" I said as I walked over and sat next to her and handed Andy and Gabby their plates. After eating we got ready because we were going to go over Antonio's house, it's been a while since we've been there and since he always has Sunday dinner we decided to go over.

It was once again Monday which meant that we both had to work today, I was up even before the alarm went off I just laid there with my hand on Gabby stomach. I didn't get much sleep last night because I kept on thinking of a million things. Without even noticing it I was rubbing Gabby's stomach "What's wrong?" I heard Gabby voice I looked up and seen her looking down at me. "Nothing" I said but she could tell I was lying. "Matt come on I know you now spill" she said in a very serious tone I sighed and scooted up so I could be eye level with her now "what's going to happen with work now?" I asked her.

"What are you talking about?" She asked me, "work, now that your pregnant what's going to happen?" I asked once again. "Nothing I mean I'm going to keep working until I can" she said. I was not expecting this I thought she would stop working, "But didn't you say that the first 3 months are dangerous well with the job that you have isn't making it any easier Gabby" I told her. "Matt I did this before with Andy remember it's nothing new and plus as long as I have no stress and I take care of myself I will be okay" she explained to me. I shook my head still not convinced "babe please I know your worried trust me I know that's how I was when I was pregnant with Andy but it's going to be okay, we're going to have a beautiful baby" she said making me smile....




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