Chapter 39: Can It Be?

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Chapter 39: Can It Be?


*Dawson's POV*

*2 Months Later*

Today was my finale dress fitting, you see Matt and I couldn't wait any longer and talked about it and decided to get married in 3 months which means that in only a month I will once again be Gabriela Dawson Casey, when Matt and I told Andy the great news well he was excited of course we didn't expect anything less then that. But now as the date gets nearer and nearer I am getting more nervous, of course this is something that I wanted to do and yes we had done this before but that didn't strop me from being nervous. When we told everybody at the firehouse the news well they were happy too, my brother was okay with it but he wasnt to thrilled with the news. He had accepted us being together but he was still worried about Matt hurting me, he told me that he would be there for me no matter what I decided. So while I am trying on my last fitting I still having picked out my bridesmaids dresses of course Shay would be my maid of honor and Laura, Stella, Samantha, Sylvie would be the bridesmaids.

"Come on Gabby we want to see it" I heard Shay yell from outside the fitting room, making me shake my head, Shay had came with me to every fitting but every time she acted like she had not seen the dress on me, of course my mother had also seen the dress and I was glad that both of them loved it because I fell in love with it the moment I put it on, "Ready?" the assistant that was helping me asked and I nodded so we made our way outside and as I stepped onto the pedestal and looked at the mirrors in front of me all heard all of the girls behind me gasped when I turned around I saw my mom wiping tears from her eyes making me want to cry. "What do you guys think?" I asked once they put the vail on me, "Your beautiful" Laura said to me "You are definitely the most beautiful bride I have seen" my mother said and I seen everybody else nod their head. I turned back around and smiled I couldn't wait for the wedding I wiped the tears and turned to them once again "Alright now to try on your guys's dresses" I told them as I walked back into the fitting room to get changed.

After getting changed I walked back outside to see that all the girls were already in the other fitting rooms getting into their dresses, I sat down with my mother waiting for them and after a few minutes they walked out all in their different dresses. I couldn't help but smile I was just amazed at how beautiful they looked on them. "I could tell you are going to have a tough time choosing already" my mother said and I nodded because it was true, "So what brides usually pick out first is the style of the dress dont think about the color just tell me which style you like the most" the assistant told me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them and then looked over the dress and it was that one, the perfect dress "That one" I said pointing to the dress that Shay was wearing. "Good choice" the assistant said, "okay next step is choosing the color" and with that the assistant walked away then return with a book. "These are our colors" she said handing me the booklet.

Now I knew this would be the hard part picking a color for the dress, every color that I seen I loved well not so much but most of the colors I loved. The girls came back outside after getting changed into their regular clothes. "So what color did you pick?" Laura asked me "I haven't yet this is definitely the hardest part" I said. After another 5 minutes I finally picked out the color of the dress well actually colors because I picked out 2 colors for the dresses, 1 color would be for the maid of honor Shay and the other color would be for the bridesmaids. "Excellent choice" the assistant said as I gave her the booklet back, "Looks like were all done" I said after I picked out Eva's dress too and my mothers. After the shop we decided to go out to eat. my mother of course couldn't and Laura had to take eva to a dentist appointment so it was Shay, Stella, Sylvie and I out to eat which was great just a day with my friends.

After having lunch I had to pick up Andy he had just started 1st grade and his birthday is just next week which is he is very excited of course his them birthday party is Paw Patrol she I have a whole week to get everything for Saturday. "Hey buddy how was school?" I asked him "Muy bien mama" he said as I helped him buckle in his car seat, before going home I had to stop by the market to pick up some groceries for dinner. Once arriving home I started making dinner I would be making a rather large portion today since Shay her girlfriend, Severide and Stella would be coming over too.

After making dinner I went upstairs to shower I was really tired and not only that but I have been feeling sick lately like right now all I wanted to do was go to sleep but at the same time I felt like throwing up, at first I thought it was a cold but I've been feeling this way for about 2 weeks now and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong with me I shook the idea out of my head and instead went to shower. I really had no desire to get ready especially since it was cold and it was beginning to snow so I but on some leggings and a black sweatshirt nothing to dressy but something casual and I put on my brown Uggs and made my way downstairs to see that Andy was already in the living room drawinging. I made my way to the kitchen and started to set up the table when I heard the door open and then close and then heard voices and knew that they were already here.

Dinner went really well as we ate we talked and Andy couldn't stop talking about his birthday, Matt was happy because this would be the first birthday he got to spend with his son. After dinner we all went to the living room and of course the main topic was the wedding since tomorrow most of the guys would have the day off they would be getting their tuxedos. I tried my best to act like I was alright but by the end of the night I once again felt like throwing up luckily I left my phone upstairs so I told them that I needed my phone and took the chance to puke without anybody knowing.

I tried to go back downstairs but I was feeling a bit nauseous so instead I laid down to try to rest a little bit but when I woke up it was morning, I immediately sat up to see Matt still asleep but when he felt me sat up he rubbed his eyes and sat up too. "Hey you okay?" He asked me I nodded but I really wasnt "what time is it?" I asked him. He looked towards our alarm on our night table "6:30" he said. "I'm gonna be late" I said since I over slept, and started to stand up but his hand on my arm stopped me and when I turned to look at him he looked worried "Hey are you okay?" He asked me "Yeah of course why?" I asked him hoping he didn't notice how sick I've been.

"I don't know maybe because you didn't come back down last night and when I can to check up on you, you were already sleeping and didn't even wake up all night" he said. "I'm fine I guess all the stress from the wedding planning got to me and I haven't got any sleep lately" I lied hopefully he didn't notice. "Alright if that's all" he said I could see that he didn't believe me but he didn't want to ask me again. I smiled and leaned in to kiss him on his lips "I'm gonna shower go back to bed it's too early" I said but he shook his head "no I'm gonna get Andy up" he said taking the cover off and getting out of the bed. I seriously loved that man even on his day of he wakes up to help newish Andy.

I got in the shower and got ready afterwards, when I came down I seen Andy all dressed eating breakfast already when I walked into the kitchen the smell of the food hit me and once again I felt like puking not good, "breakfast is ready" Matt said once he seen me, I didn't want to hurt him by not eating his food but if I keep standing her I'll throw up right here, luckily my phone began to ring and when I seen it was Shay I smiled at Matt "Sorry baby but I have to go see you guys later" I said and walked it of the felt bad because I couldn't even kiss them goodbye but I couldn't stay one more minute in the house. I made it to the firehouse on time so after putting my think in my locker I made my way to my bunk I was still tired, which I didn't understand because I slept more then enough hours.

"Hey" I heard someone say I opened my eyes and seen Shay sitting on the bed next to mine "hey" I said sitting up, "are you okay" she asked me clearly concerned "yea of course why?" I asked her. "Because you don't look so good you sure your okay?" She asked me I took a deep breath and explained to her how sick I've been feeling after a minute with neither of us talking she asked the question I never though about "Gabby are you pregnant?" She asked me. My eyes widened because up until she asked I never thought about it. "Think about it I mean the nausea, you feeling sleepy morning sickness I haven't seen it since you were pregnant with Andy" I stayed quiet because now I was wondering if it was possible that I was pregnant...





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