Chapter 9: Knowing the Truth

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Chapter 9:Knowing the Tr


*Matt's POV*

After getting home and hearing the door slam I knew she as mad so made my way upstairs to our bedroom, as I entered she was slamming drawers and taking our her night gown, she looked at me and kept on moving through the room and ten walked into our restroom and slammed the door. I sat on the edge of the bed and let out a breath of air. I honestly didn't know why she was the one mad I should be the one mad she mad everybody at the table leave and gave everyone else a motive to hate her more and this time I couldn't actually defend her because I even knew she was wrong. After thinking for a while I got up and got a pair of sweats and a t shirt and waited until Lauren got out of the bathroom to change and got to bed.

After another 5 minutes she came out changed and her face free of the make up she had been wearing earlier today. I walked passed her to the bathroom and got changed and of course brushed my teeth then I walked out to see that Lauren was laying in the bed under the cover reading a book like she did every night. I got in next to her and looked at her "I dont understand why you keep defending Matt I'm your fiancée and you got mad at me just because I asked a simple question." she said after a few minutes of silence, "Im not defending her Lauren but you have to understand that there is some questions that you cannot just ask, you hardly know her and I she want to keep her sons father a mystery then we have to respect that" I told her.

"I didn't know that I wasnt suppose to ask her that but its not only that her friends Shay she just kept on giving me dirty looks do you know how uncomfortable I was I dont know what I did so wrong so she could hate me" she said as she set the book on the night stand next to her side. I moved closer to her "Look you have to understand that they are best friends and she just feels like she has to hate you because you are with me but as long as I love you nothing or no one else matters right?" I asked her and she smiled and nodded her head in agreement. After our little talk we fell right asleep. Well actually she didn't I couldn't sleep that niht the event of earlier were running through my mind it was isn't 1am that I finally fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and Lauren was gone already I got up and took a shower before heading out for shift. I really didn't like to go to shift it had been a couple of weeks that I have been back and nobody was still talking to me only Severide, everybody else was just giving me mean looks and completely ignoring me. The shift went pretty uneventful, after shift was finally over I headed home but I called Lauren to see what she wanted me to pick up to eat. I had to admit that I missed Dawson's cooking Lauren wasnt that great of a cook, she actually tried to cook several times for us but ended up burning the food so we had sticked to take out food. I waited for her to answer and when she finally did she said she would be home tonight because she would be working at the office because they had a big case that would need all of her time.

So before going home I got some take out and even got some extra in case Lauren did come home there was something for her to eat. As I got out of my car I seen Laura from across with a little boy I knew it wasnt Diego because this boy looked to young, then she seen me and started walking towards my house. "Matt I wondered if you can do me a favor?" she asked me and then I seen the little boy he was Dawson's son. He was a little cute boy with blue yes and dirty blonde hair but had some brown in it too. He had tan skin not that dark or that light. I nodded my head unsure of the favor. "Diego had an accident at school and they took him to the hospital and I dont want to take Andy here with me" she said as she pointing to Andy.

"I was wondering if you can please take care of him until I come back or in case Gabby come over looking for him?" she asked me. I didn't know what to respond, when Andy spoke up "Tia tengo hambre (Auntie Im hungry)" he said. Then I looked at the bag of food in my hands and I knew he seen it. I smiled at both of them and nodded "Of course and if your hungry I got food here come on lets go" I told him and he looked so happy. Laura said thanks and made her way back to her house and got in her car and drove off. I looked at Andy who was still standing there and smiled and told him to follow me he did as he followed me inside the house.

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