Chapter 35: Last Name?

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Chapter 35: Last Name?

*Gabby's POV*

I didn't want to leave him this morning but duty calls I just hope this shift goes by fast luckily Shay had shift today too so I wasn't alone. "You had sex" Shay said as we were making our way back to the station making me press on the stop pedal. "What are you talking about?" I asked once again driving making her laugh, "Don't deny it, I could tell from the moment we started shift but didn't want to say anything" she said."Ugh fine yes Matt and I had sex, I got home yesterday to rose petals and candles everywhere and he apologized and he told me everything, it was one of the best nights" I told her. "I'm so happy for you Gabby for both of you, so you guys are good again no more drama?" She asked me and I shook my head "Nope no more drama everything is perfect between us now" I told her as we got to the station.

"Well that's good so when's the wedding?" She asked me making me stop walking then she looked back at me when she noticed that I was walking with her. "Your joking right?" I asked her and she smirked at me. "That depends" she said as she continued to walk making me follow her."Matt and I haven't even talking about wedding I guess we were focused on finding out the truth and just enjoying our relationship and each other and Andy that we never talked about our future and what's going to happen" I explained to her as we sat on my bed. "Well do you want to get married, have more kids?" She asked me. I sigh because I haven't thought about this not yet at least I knew it would end up being a topic but I didn't think it would be this fast. "I dont know Shay yes I would love to have more kids but it all seems like a dream right now I dont even know what Matt wants" I said as I sighed once again. I wish she didn't ask me that.

Before I knew it the shift was over and I was walking to my car when I noticed that I kept on thinking about what Shay said about marriage, I wish she never mentioned it because that's all I'm thinking about now. As I walked up the stairs I took a deep breath I knew I had to talk about this with Matt hopefully he wouldn't freak out on me. Opening the door I seen Matt and Andy walking down the stairs and when Andy see me he came running down the stairs which I waited for him with my arms opened and I picked him up. "I missed you so much mama" he said as I kissed him on top of his head. "I missed you too baby boy" then I looked at me and he came closer to us. Giving him a kiss on the lis I noticed that they were dressed rather nicely, Andy was out of his uniform.

"I made dinner" Matt said as I put Andy down, I gave him a confused look "Yeah momma I helped too" Andy said making both of us laugh. "How about you get changed while I set up the table" Matt said before kissing one last time and walking away with Andy to the kitchen. I made my way upstairs and changed into some leggings and and loose shirt then I went back downstairs to see the two most important men sitting down waiting for me both of them smiling at me. "Come on mama I'm hungry" Andy said as I sat down in between both of them. My eyes widened when I seen what it was my favorite dish. Matt must have noticed because he began to laugh, "Still your favorite right?" he asked me and I nodded "Of course" I said after that we began to eat, during eating we made small talk asking each other how our day was. After dinner Matt insisted that he would wash the dishes even thought I said no he would take it so I went upstairs and played with Andy until a hour later when it was finally bed time for Andy so I read him a story then when he fell asleep I quietly walked out of his room. When I walked into our bedroom I seen Matt was just getting into bed.

I was dreading this part because all afternoon all I could think about was my conversation with Shay I got on the bed under the covers and snuggled closer to him "Thank you for today" I said as laid my head on his chest enjoying this time with him. "it was my pleasure so listen there is something I want to talk about" Matt said. I knew he wanted to go to the court house to make it all legal about Andy's last name. "I know what you want to talk about" he sat up and looked at me confused "You do?" he asked me and I nodded, "Of course you want to talk about going to the courthouse next time we both have a day off right?" I asked him not sure if that was what he was referring to. "Well yes and no I would love to do that as soon as possible but there was something else too" he said which caught my attention so I also sat up and looked him straight in the eyes "What is it?" I asked him. "Well I know this might be going to fast but..." I was hesitant in telling me he loosed down at the bed avoiding my eyes "I want to get married again" he blurted out. I was speechless I was not expecting this. "Wait are you trying to propose to me?" I asked him smiling. He looked at me and seen me smiling which caused him to smile too.

"Well I really want to but I dont have a ring and well this wasnt the ideal time and place where I wanted to propose to you" he said. I got closer to him and wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him "I dont care where you propose to me baby all I want is to be married to you again" I truthfully told him. He smiled at me and kissed me again "So is that a yes?" he asked me. "I dont remember you asking me a question" I told him laughing. "Gabriela Dawson will you do me the honor of accepting me to marry me again but this time forever" he said. "Well I kinda have to say yes right" I said clearly playing with him. "Of course there's really no other option" he said playing also. "So then your not asking your demanding me to marry you" I said. "Gabby.." he said in a warning tone making me laugh. "My answer is yes I would marry you there is no one else who I could ever marry, its always been you Matt" I told him.

That night I went to bed with a smile on my face because I would once again marry Matt but this time I know that nothing or no one would interfere in our relationship. The only thing missing is for us to have another baby, I know it would make all of us happy, Andy would love to have another sibling and Matt would actually be with us this time he would enjoy having a baby. But this time he would be the one waking up in the middle of the night to change the baby's diapers. When I woke up the next morning Matt wasnt next to me but I did see a note on the pillow, I couldn't help but smile when I read it, "Gabby, had to go to work and didn't want to wake you, you looked so peaceful dont worry about Andy got him ready, just relax and be ready by the time I come home were going out to eat, Love you"  I sat up and couldn't believe it was already 9am, I must have been really tired to sleep this late. After a few minutes I got up and went to brush my teeth and hair and went downstairs, the house was so quiet, I didn't like it, so I decided to put some music while I cleaned up.

After an hour of cleaning the house was spotless and it was barely 10am, I decided to just rest today I was tired from work yesterday. As soon as I seen that it was almost 2 I decided to go pick up Andy. When Andy seen me there he ran into my arms, "Momma I miss you" he said as we walked towards the car. "I missed you too baby" I said as I made our way towards the house, "do you have homework?" I asked him once we were inside the house. "Yeah I just have to read" he said. I smiled at him "Okay get started on that while I fix you a snack then were going to get ready" I told him. He looked at me confuse "Why momma?" he asked me. "Because were gonna go out tonight" I told him and he immediately ran upstairs to start reading, I walked to the kitchen and started slicing apples and set them on a place with caramel.

After 30 minutes Andy came running downstairs "Done mama" he said as he sat down and began to eat his apples. I looked at the clock and seen it was only 3pm Matt wouldn't be out of work for another 2 hours. So after Andy finished his apples I went to take him a shower got him dressed and then let him watch television while I got ready myself. I decided to wear a little bit of make up not to much when 5pm rolled around I was ready, Matt got home 20 minutes later ready already. Luckily he didn't take us to a fancy restaurant we just went to Chilis my favorite place. After ordering and getting our drinks Matt and I looked at each other and decided to tell Andy about our decisions we have been making. "So mi amor your daddy and I have been talking" I said making Andy look at us. "Do you like the name Casey?" Matt asking him. "That's your last name daddy!" Andy said clearly very happy, making both of us laugh.

"Yeah buddy that's my last name do you like my last name?"he asked him and Andy nodded. "Well how would you like to have that last name too?" He asked Andy. "But I already have a last name Dawson" he said making us laugh once again at how innocent he was. "I know but usually little kids don't have their moms last name they usually have their dads last name" I explained to him. He stayed quiet for a minute "So then I would be Andrew Matthew Casey?" He asked. We both nodded and then we seen him smile but then he stopped smiling "No" he said making us both widened our eyes this was definitely not the answer we were expecting. "What? Why not baby?" I asked him. "Because then momma won't have the same last name like us and it will make her sad"

This definitely brought tears to my eyes this is like him always thinking about other than himself. "Well that's another thing bud your mom will also be having my last name but she will still be a Dawson for awhile but for you you could be a Casey as soon as next week that is if you want" Casey explained to him. "Does that mean mama and you are gonna get married so we can be a family?" He asked "well baby were a family already but yes daddy and I are going to get married soon and as soon as that happens I will officially be Gabriela Casey" I explained to him. He then got out of his chair and went around the table to hug us both. "So is that a yes?" I asked him after he went back to sit down. He then nodded as the waitress came with our food. I was relieved to know we were all good and gonna be a real family soon...

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