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I was out in the stables with the horses. Butterscotch, my sisters horse and Apricot who was my horse. I only chose the name Apricot because her fur was a pinky orange colour and it is such a beautiful colour.

"Hey girl how are you today?" I pet her mane and smile. I give her an apple and my sister, Colette, comes running out to me.

"Blair you're going to be late for school! Hurry up the bus is already here."

"What but it's only 7:30!" I run back inside and quickly chuck my uniform on. I grab lunch money, shoes and run out the door. The bus was just about to leave until the driver saw me.

"Late again are we?" My friend Kyla says as I take a seat next to her.

"I was taking care of Apricot okay. She needs to be fed as well you know."

"I know but we need to practice for the talent show remember? You were suppose to come over this morning so we could go over everything but you were a no show."

"Oh my gosh I totally forgot that it was Thursday today. I'm so so sorry Ky!" I put a hand on my head and take a deep breath.

"It's fine." She gives a small smile and looks down at her phone. I always mess things up with my friends.


We were in the middle of science. It was actually really fun. The teacher decided we'd just do a whole heap of our own experiments because she has some marking to do. So, being the students we are, got the Bunsen burners out and balloons.

"NO NO NO NO DONT YOU DARE POP THAT THING!" Kyla says. I laugh and blow the balloon up.

"Why are you so scared of balloons anyways? It's just latex." Josh, our other best friend said.


"Ky put these on." I hand her some glasses. She snatches them and hides. I put the balloon over the flame and wait for it to pop. I also snapchat it because it was funny.

"HAS IT POPPED YET?!" Ky shouts. Josh takes her hands away from her ear and nods. The next thing I know the balloon popped and she screamed and ran out of the classroom. I laughed so hard when she came back in.

"Josh did you see her face." I laugh on his shoulder and Ky slaps me. "Sorry but it was really funny like your eyes went big and omg." I cry of laughter and the lunch bell goes.

"FOOD!" Josh, Ky and I say in unison. We grab our bags and run to our spot which was in a tree. It had our names carved in it.

"So what are you guys gonna do in the winter break?" It was almost the end of June which was winter here. This year has already gone by so fast. I'm almost in 12th grade.

"Not sure yet. Probably sleeping and eating and watching YouTube."

"Aren't you like famous on YouTube though?" Josh states the obvious.

"Don't remind me."

"I think it would be cool to be famous from YouTube like there's that Playlist event thing and then I'd go just to meet all the hot girls there." I push Josh out of the tree after he said that. "That was not very polite Blair." I shrug and eat my chips.

He climbs back up and we continue with our very unordinary conversation.

Hey guys it's been a while.
I've been working on a few chapters for this story and have started a sequel to 'My Solider | Cameron Dallas' and so far that is going very good. I can't wait for you guys to see it.
This story will also get better and interesting and I am also planning on writing another one after finishing this one and the sequel which will be called 'My Hero'. Keep an eye out for that one if you enjoyed the first one.

Thank you guys for reading this as well and I hope you enjoy the story :D

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