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We made it to a different beach today. This one was more of a kind of circular shaped and had way less people. I'm glad there are less people.

"Cam come with me to get the jet skis rented." Nash says. Cam nods and they leave. We all run down to the beach. I place my stuff next to someone's.

"Um excuse me but that's Nash's pile and I usually have my stuff next to his so move it." Caroline says with that little bitchy smile she has.

"It's just a spot." She gives me an impolite laugh.

"Okay, honey I've tried to be nice to you. I didn't like you from the beginning either. I know you're trying to steal Nash away from me but here's a news flash for you, he's mine. He's dating me. How do you spell it? M - E. So, why don't you go back from down under and leave us alone." This bitch.

"Lookie here sunshine. I'm not trying to steal your precious little boyfriend away from you, we're just friends and don't you tell me to go back to Australia because I can be wherever I want in this world." For another five minutes, or just about, we kept arguing.

"YOUR A BITCH YOU KNOW THAT!" She slapped me really hard across the face, probably leaving a hand mark.

"You did not just do that."

"Honey. I did." I slap her twice as hard. I'm guessing she was a little weakling because she started to cry.

"He what's going on here?" I turn around and see Cameron, Taylor and Nash standing there with confused looks.

"Woah Blair what happened to your face?" Tay asks.

"Never mind about Blair, WHAT ABOUT ME?" We all look at Caroline lying in the sand bawling her eyes out. Nash quickly rushes to her aid. I just give a small evil laugh.

"Blair what did you do?" Cam asked almost laughing himself. He had to cover his mouth.

"She hit me first. My mother always told me not to fight unless they threw the first swing. And she slapped me so I gave the bitch what she deserved." I cross my arms and look at her.

"I think you two should stay away from each other from now on. Come on, let's get you on a jet ski." They pull me away and down to the water where a blue, red and black jet ski were waiting to be used.

I sit on one and Cameron sits behind me to tell me how to operate it.

"You know I was really tempted to say 'Did I invite you to my barbecue? No, then why are you all up in my grill?' I've always wanted to say that to someone." I randomly say. Cameron bursts out laughing and so do I.

"Best come back line ever!"

"Thank you, now tell me how this thing works please."

"Put the key in and turn it on, fick that switch on and then push the right peddle and then steer like you would with a bike." I nod at Cameron's instructions.

(A/N: I have absolutely no idea how to ride a jet ski. Is there even peddle things? 😂)

I started to go slow at first but when I got the hand of it, I went really fast.

"Okay okay slow down slow down." I laugh crazily at Cameron who was being scared.

"Who's the girl here?"

"Me now slow the fuck down!" He screams like a girl and I laugh. I didn't listen to him though and went really fast. Taylor zoomed past us and with the small waves he left behind, I got to jump using the jet ski.

"WOOOOO!" I shout as we land.

"Okay move to the back, I'm driving now."

"Ugh fine. Geez you girl." I move to where Cameron's spot was and he goes slow.


After a long day of swimming, jet skiing and just splashing each other because we were being stupid, we finally started to pack everything up. I hadn't seen Nash or bitch all day long but when I walk up to where my bag was, they were using it as a pillow. Kissing.

"Use somebody else's bag to use a pillow. Now it's probably got all your juice germs on it." She rolls her eyes at me and I don't even look at Nash. I run to Mahogany.

"Hey girly." I make a sad face and put my head on her shoulder.

"I just wanna go and sleep for a gazillion hours."

"Me to." And with that, we left and sure enough when we got back to her place, we fell a sleep.

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