Twenty One

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"So how was your little date with Nash?" Mo says as soon as I walk into the house.

"Nash is the boy from a romance book I swear."

"Okay I'm guessing it went well then. What did you'd do after the date then." She winks at me and I slap her.

"I did not go to second base with him." She just lies on the couch dying of laughter. "Gosh you're so immature sometimes." I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Well come on. I told Taylor we'd be at his house by 3pm so we could all leave for the airport at the same time."

"Okay just let me shower and change." I run to my room grabbing a small black tee, denim shorts, and a black and red flannel. I quickly shower.

"2 minutes Blair." I brush my hair, grab a grey beanie and black vans as well as everything else for the plane.

"Okay I'm ready."

"Only 10 seconds to spare. World record." I roll my eyes and put my stuff in the car. After Mahogany finds the car keys we finally leave.


I sat in the waiting room anxiously. He would pop by to say goodbye right? He forgot to this morning when I left his house. Or did he and I just wasn't paying attention? Am I being clingy? Gosh this is why I don't have relationships.

"Blair. Calm yourself. Here drink coffee. You're not you when you don't have coffee." Mo hands me a Starbucks cup. I take a sip and spit it out.

"Ew gross what was that?"

"I have no idea. Carlos got it."

"I'm going to go and wash my mouth out." I run to the bathroom with my toothpaste and toothbrush. I quickly brush my teeth and run back out. I smile when I see him in my seat.

"Hey beautiful." I run up and hug him.

"I thought you weren't going to say goodbye."

"I was I just got stuck in traffic. LA sucks with traffic." I giggle and look down. He lifts my chin up with his finger. "I got this for you as well. I got a matching one." He pulls out a small box with a super gorgeous bracelet in it. It had three green jade beads and two white pearl beads on the ends of them.

"Thank you Nash I love it." I kiss him and as soon as I finish the kiss, my flight is called.

"I guess this is goodbye."

"Only for a few weeks though. I'll call you everyday I can."

"I'll make sure my phone isn't on silent." He kisses me quickly before Mahogany pulls me away.

"I'm sorry Nash but I don't want to miss this flight. Hi, bye, we'll see you when we get back."

"Mahogany you're so mean. Lemme be." I try to push her away but she doesn't budge.

"Blair co operate please. You'll see your boyfriend soon. Sorry Nash Love ya though." She drags me away.

"I love you Blair." I was going to say it back but we go through another door to where our plane was boarding.


"You will see him soon. Don't make a big fuss about it."

"Well at least you can actually bring your boyfriend on tour with us. We're going to 4 different cities and we're going to be gone 5 weeks. Yeah. I'm going to have such a great time." I roll my eyes. I walk through the plane doors and find my seat.

Aaron and Carter sat next to me. Carter on the right and Aaron, the left.

"I love you to Nash." I whisper as quiet as possible so no one could hear me.

Times Change | Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now