Forty eight

103 3 0

The spider was killed and thrown far away from me. I still shiver every time I think about it.

I was all calmed down now and Nash decided to take me outside and down to the beach. I hadn't been outside yet and it was so pretty. The water was nice and blue, the people were so kind and wonderful and the atmosphere here was just so positive.

"Want to go in the water?" He asks taking his shirt off. I couldn't help but stare. "Blair?" He waves his hands in front of my face and I snap out of my day dreaming.

"Huh oh yeah sure." I take my shirt off. My shorts were little board shorts and I already had a bikini on underneath. "Race yah." I poke his arm and run down to the water.

"Beat yah." He pokes my side and dives into the water.

"Whatever." I laugh a little and swim next to him. He spits water in my face and I give him the death glare. "You want to have another water fight? Who won the last one huh? Who?"

"You did and, I would be happy to take first place." He splashes me and I splash him back.

We kept going back and forth until I was out of breath from laughing. We went back up to shore and decided to walk around the beach.

"What's that?" I say pointing to a small little waterhole. I think it was.

"Rock pools. There's starfish and all that in there."

"LETS GO!" I drag him to it and look inside the small areas where water was slowly making its way into it. I saw small fish and starfish and other pretty things. "ITS PATRICK!" I say pointing to a pink starfish.

"If you found Patrick I found Mr Krabs." He picks up a red crab and I run away from him.

"No Nash put it down." I was running towards a little island kind of thing which was in the middle of some shallow water. I make it to it without being attacked by Nash.

"Okay okay it's down." He smiles with his hands behind his back.

"What's behind your back?" He looks up at the sky innocently. "Nash." I raise an eyebrow at him. "If it's the crab then throw it back in the water. Now." He comes closer to me laughing a little. I back up and end up falling.

"It's not the crab." He helps me up and puts a pink hibiscus flower in my hair. "Beautiful." He smiles at me and I blush a little.

"Thank you." I take a seat and lean up against one of the palm trees. Nash sits next to me and holds my hand.

"You know Blair, I'm really going to miss the little adventures we have and most importantly, I'm going to miss you and your beautiful face." He looks at me.

"I'll be back one day." I turn to him and do the most unexpected thing ever. I kiss him.

He cups my face and I wrap my arms around his neck. I climb on top of him and we just have a full on make out session.

"Mm wait Blair what's the time?" He pulls away after a while.

"I don't know why?" He goes back to kissing me for a little longer.

"Come on we should start heading back."

"But I want to stay here." He smiles and kisses me again. He rolls us over and I get sand all in my hair.

"Come on babe, we gotta go now." He winks at me then gets up and helps me up.

"Fine." We swim back to shore and walk back to the house. The sun was just starting to set and it looked so pretty.

"I hope you had some fun today. I wouldn't want your last days with us to be miserable and terrible."

"No I definitely had fun. Thank you for taking me out." I kiss his cheek and he smiles.

"Anything for you beautiful." I smile and we walk inside and it's all dark. A note falls from somewhere and I pick it up after turning on some lights.

Come to the outside area. Yes there's an outside area.

"What's going on?" I look at Nash who is as clueless as I am.

"Maybe someone kidnapped everyone and we're next." I laugh at him and do as the note says. I think if someone were to even try to kidnap the boys, there's literally 10 of them and 1 girl who's capable of screaming as loud as she can. We should start calling her banshee.

"SURPRISE!" The entire outdoor area erupts in light and everyone jumps out form different places. There were balloons and streamers and a little fire out in the middle.  Wait why?

"Oh my gosh I forgot my own birthday." They all laugh at me and I go around hugging them all.

"Good job on keeping her occupied Nash." Mahogany says. I laugh a little and so does he.

"Well, let's dig in shall we?" Cameron brings out some pizza with a single candle in the middle.

"Aw you guys always know what I want." I place a hand on my heart.

"We actually have a cake for you we just thought this would be funny." Mo says. I laugh a little and blow out the candle. We all start eating the many boxes of pizza they ordered. I'm not wasting food.

"Okay is everyone full?" Mo says. Everyone nods. Koda comes out and jumps on my lap. I cuddle with him for a while.

"Blair are you ready for the epic presents we all got you?" Taylor says.

"Um I don't know I think I should be more worried then anything." Who knows what they got me. Carter, Aaron, Daniel and Ethan all get up and go somewhere. "Where are they going?"

"You'll see." Mo says. They come back with like 50 things in their arms.

"What's all this?" I say surprised.

"Our gifts to you."

I just sit there in shock. I've never gotten this many presents before.

"Thank you guys so much!" They each hand something they got me.

I got a photo album of the great memories we had, a Cameron Dallas jersey, a Carter Reynolds jersey, a cd with every song that any of the boys sung, Shawn got me a ukulele and so much more. 

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