Thirty seven

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It was officially Day 1 of the tour. I wanted to dress nicer than usual so I didn't look like a total idiot on stage wearing sweatpants. I chose something that Mahogany got me when we went shopping the first day I got here. Boy was that an exhausting day.

"Wow you look beautiful." Shawn says as we walk down to the cafe for breakfast.

"Thank you." I start to skip to the elevator because I was in such a happy mood with everything.

We went down and had these amazing pancakes and toast with scrambled eggs. I didn't think pancakes could get any better than they already were but, they did.

"So where should we go today?" Shawn asks as I stuff my mouth with more food.

"No idea. What is there to do in Chicago?"

"Let me search something up." He takes my phone and searches things to do in Chicago. A lot of things came up.

"I SEE THE WORD FOOD!" I shout with a full mouth. Shawn bursts out laughing and I just stare at him.

"I've never met a girl with such a big appetite."

"Well you should meet more girls. Me and my friends are literally food monsters." He shakes his head.

"So Navy Pier it is?" I nod and finish my food. We get the driver for the car and go to the Pier. I admired everything that zoomed past me whilst in the car. America is such a beautiful place.

We finally arrive at the Pier and it already looked amazing. There were stalls and small roller coasters and a Ferris wheel.

"SHAWN LOOK COTTON CANDY!" I grab his hand and run to the entrance gate.

(A/N: idk if there's even an entrance gate because I've never even been to America but yeah. Tell me if there isn't so I know for the future.)

"Oh my gosh you're Blair Gordy and Shawn Mendes." The girl says.

"HI ID LIKE 2 TICKETS PLEASE THE COTTON CANDY AWAITS ME." She starts laughing and Shawn calms me down.

"That was impolite Blair. Hello could we please get two tickets into the Pier please?"

"Of course. Could I get a photo with you two please?" She hands us the tickets and I pose for a photo. I put my hat on her and she smiles widely.

"It was nice meeting you!" I take my hat back and give her a quick hug before walking into the place of magic and wonders.


We've been on almost every ride five times and been each store three times and now we were on the Ferris wheel again.

"This cotton candy is very good." I say picking at the fluffy, sugary goodness.

"I liked the ice cream the best. It was different with the little candy bits in it." I nod in agreement. The ride comes to a stop and we walk out.

"Where to next?"

"We could watch the sunset." I nod and walk over to the edge and sit down on the seat. The sun was just about to touch the water.

"Wait. Shawn. Sunset. Performance. LATE!"

"Wha- OH SHIT!" I grab his hand and run out of the Pier and call for the car immediately. We jump in and quickly go to where we needed to be. Lucky we didn't get pulls up by the police or something because I'm pretty sure we were forcing the driver to speed up every red light.

"We're 27 minutes late." I say. We quickly run to the dressing room where I fix up my clothes and have a quick glass of water. Shawn grabs his guitar and we get the presenter to call us out.

"Hey guys we are so very sorry that were late. We got a little held up at the pier. Had a bit to much fun today." Shawn explains.

"THEY PROBABLY DID THE NASHTY!" A girl shouted. I couldn't help but laugh.

"No we did not do the nashty, to young for that and I am dating Nash and I would never do that to him."

"Anyways, we're here to sing for you guys tonight and that's just what were going to do. Who's ready?"

A bunch of girls start screaming and getting all hype which made me laugh. I always love how hyper people can get over something as little as seeing two ordinary people singing to them.

Shawn announces which song we were singing first which was Air. I loved singing this song, it just sounded so good and the words flowed together perfectly.

We finished the concert up and went down for the meet and greet with the lucky girls who were able to buy them.

"Hey what's your name sweetie." I say to the first girl running up to us. She gave me the nastiest death glare and went straight to hug Shawn.

"Sharni." She snaps back at me.

"It's nice to meet you Sharni and I like your name it's very pretty." Shawn says. He looks over at me as if he saw the death glare she gave me. Honestly she looked 12.

"It's nice to finally meet you to. I've been waiting all year for this and now I'm finally here!" She squeals a little.

"Do you wanna go and hug Blair now?" She looks at me and hesitates for a moment but gives me a hug.

"If touch Shawn or even go anywhere near him and do something, I will severely injure you. Do you hear me?" She smiles innocently and we pose for the meet and greet.

So what? Now I'm getting threatened by 12 year olds not to even be about 1cm from him? People are weird.

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