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We were all up bright and early on the day we had to leave. It was the day where everyone dreaded and hoped it wouldn't come this quick but it did.

"Is everyone ready to leave?" Mahogany asks as she puts her bags down with the rest of them.

"Yeah we're all ready."

We pick our things up and take them outside and put them in a separate can to the one some of us would be driving in. I just got into whichever one and waiting as everyone piled in.

Then, once everyone was sorted, we were off to the airport.

"What gate are you guys at?" I ask as I read my plane ticket.

"28. What about you?" I sigh.

"16. I was hoping to be closer to you guys." Nash holds my hand to make sure I'm not going to get even more upset. Yet.

"We will just wait with you then. Our flight doesn't leave till 3pm." Mahogany says.

"My flight leaves at 3pm as well. I can't make you miss your flight." I say.

"We will wait with you Blair. We wouldn't leave you." She smiles at me and I smile back.

"Thank you."


Time was going by to fast. It was already 3:31pm.

"Nash you guys have to go soon. I don't want you to miss your flight." I say gently. He moves about a little and sits up.

"I wish I could just go to Australia with you. You still owe me that little tour around your town remember?" He chuckles a little.

"When you come visit one day, I will show you my amazing home." He smiles at me.

"Okay we really should start heading over to our gate. Who knows, maybe there's going to be midday mad rushing people who just run around the airport like crazy and we will never make it back to LA." Mahogany says. I laugh a little but then become super sad.

"I guess you guys should." I let a tear slip even though I wasn't meant to.

"Aw Blair please don't cry because then I'm going to cry even harder and- and-" I cut Mahogany off by hugging her.

"Come one we better make this quick." I just let all the tears out. Even though I knew I had to leave them all eventually, I didn't think the time would come so soon.

"Group hug." Taylor says. They all hug around us and I smile through my tears. We pull apart and I hug them individually.

"You were like my older sister Blair." Hayes sobs a little as I hug him. I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"I'll be back. And all of you have to come visit me in Australia one day."

"We will, trust me." I move to Cameron and hug him tight.

Once I finished hugging everyone else, I moved on to Nash who was on the verge of tears. I smiled at him and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around him and all the boys 'awe' at us. Mahogany takes a picture and I laugh. I bury my head in the crook of his neck and shoulder.

"I'll miss you the most beautiful."

"I know you will. I'll miss you more though." He shakes his head.

He kisses the side of my head but I move and kiss his lips.

"Oh stop already in going to cry." Carter gets a tissue out and blows his nose. I laugh at him.

"This is like a sad romance movie. I can't." Taylor fake cries on Carters shoulder.

"You better go other wise I'm going to bawl my eyes out and won't be able to stop. I'll be looking like a possessed child when I land." I kiss Nash once more and he puts me down.

"We miss you already Blair." They all say.

"I miss you all to." I wave to them as they slowly turn around and walk to their gate.

I sigh and take a seat but as soon as my butt hits the seat, my flight gets called.

"Goodbye Hawaii. Goodbye America. Goodbye everyone." I whisper. I get my passport out and walk to my gate. I was the fifth in line but there was a family of like 10 in front of me.

"Blair? BLAIR!?" I look around and see Nash running towards me. I start crying again and get out of the line and run to him.

"Nash you're supposed to be at your flight."

"I want to tell you something." He looks down at me and smiles. "I-I love you." I smile and kiss him.

"I love you even more Nash." He kisses me passionately and I couldn't help but smile through the kiss. "Now go Nash, I'm going to miss my place in line and you're going to miss your flight." He wipes my tears away and smiles at me.

"I love you."

"I love you to." He takes my hands and then let's them go as I walk back to the line.

"You shouldn't be leaving your little lover if you love him to much sweetie." The old lady behind me says. I smile at her.

"It's complicated." I say. I get my passport out as I realise I'm next in line.

Times Change | Nash GrierWhere stories live. Discover now