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"Hey guys. It's Blair and I'm here with Cameron Dallas. You guys probably already know him cause he's mister popular." I say and he slaps me. "Cameron you know you don't hit a girl. We will hit you back." I slap him really hard on the arm making him fall off his chair. I start to die of laughter. "Anyways, it's currently 4:42am and in the lounge room are Ethan and Grayson Dolan, Taylor Caniff, my cousin. Ugh I'll just show you guys." I take the camera and quickly show them everyone in the lounge.

"They sleep through anything. Watch." Cameron claps loudly. Taylor moves and we run back to the room.

"So anyway, this is Taylor's house and we found some air horns and party poppers. He probably has them cause he's having his own loner party. So we're gonna dress up all crazy and go and give them an early morning wake up call. Let's go." We go into Taylor's room and find some glasses and a girls wig. Cameron puts that on and I go to Mo's bag of make up. She brings it everywhere she goes. I cover Cam in make up and he does mine. We quickly show the camera and get the air horns and all that. I set the camera up in the corner so it catches everything.

I look at Cameron and mouth '1. 2. 3.' We set the poppers off and I stand on my air horn. Everyone jumps up and Mo falls onto Ethan who's suffocating. Grayson punched Carter, Aaron flipped off the couch and Taylor screamed like a girl. Cam and I were on the floor holding our stomachs and crying of laughter.

"YOU FRICKEN IDIOTS WHAT THE HELL?" Taylor screams again.

"Your. You should've. Holy cow." I snorted while laughing making me laugh even harder.

"Okay okay shut up now." Mo throws a pillow at me but instead hits Cameron. I laugh even harder.

"Stop my tummy." I try to calm down but Taylor and Carter decide to tickle me. No. One. Tickles. Me.

"GUYS THATS NOT A GOOD IDEA!" Mo warns them. They ignore her.

"IF YOU TWO DONT FRICKEN STOP ILL PUNCH YOU AND KICK YOU!" I manage to scream while still laughing. They ignore me as well.

"I think it's a good idea to listen to her." Cam says. "She's lethal."

"She's harmless." Taylor says.

Boi was he wrong.

I flung my wrists up which hit Taylor's nose and I kicked my leg up hitting Carter. I get up and run to Mo who hugs me. I hate being tickled.

"Boys what did we learn today?" Mo says to Carter and Tay.

"Don't tickle Blair." They say together while groaning in pain.

"Well done. And Blair what did you learn today?"

"Nothing. That was funny." I run away with Cameron and start laughing again.


Everyone was getting ready for another beach day with Nash and Caroline. I really did not like her. Why couldn't she be like her character from Shake It Off.

"Mahogany do you have a bikini I can borrow?" She instantly chucks me a white bikini top and bottoms. It was like she knew what I was going to ask her.

"Yes I'm magical Blair." She laughs which makes me even more scared.

"You're a wizard Mahogany." We both laugh and then I leave to get changed. Someone was using the guest bedroom, also known as my room so I had to change in the bathroom.

I got into the bikini but I needed some shorts to wear. I hated just wearing a bikini. It showed to much.

I quickly look to see if someone was still in my room. Nope. Good. I run out but only to crash into someone. Nash.

"Woah when did you get here? Wait that doesn't matter."

"Huh?" Is all he says. He was looking me up and down then smiled. I awkwardly walked to my room and put some shorts and a tank top over me. I put sun cream and my ray ban sunglasses on. I couldn't find any thongs (okay in Australia thongs is the word for flip flops and to me flip flops sounds funny so let's just be Australian for a moment and call them thongs. Not those kind of thongs. Okay thank you.) so I just put on a pair of white sandals.

"IM READY!" I announce. I grab my phone and run out to where everyone was. I grab the rest of my beach stuff and we leave.

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