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It was the day before I left for Houston. I'm so excited but not as excited as I am for this little date Nash has planned for us. He won't tell me where or what we're doing except that I gave to wear casual warm clothes which I can be comfortable in but I can also be active in. I'm starting to think what goes on in that boys head.

But, I followed his instructions and wore baby blue sweatpants (which were boys because they were way better than girls ones), black and white vans and a singlet with a jacket over it. I stole Mo's beanie which had 'Cookie Monster' on it.

Nashty Grier 😍❤️: hey babe I'm coming to get you now, I'll be there soon 😚.

I didn't reply to him because I was dancing around with excitement. This was basically my first real date and it was exciting.

After a while I heard a knock on the door and ran straight to it.

"Hello gorgeous girl." He kisses my cheek and I giggle.

"Hello handsome man."

"Well, I'm here to escort you to the desired destination." He puts his arm up and I take it. I close the door behind me and we skip to his cars

"So what have you planned for this evening Mr Grier?"

"Well Miss Gordy, that you shall see when we get there." I laugh and turn up the radio while we drive along the busy roads of LA. I loved looking at all the lights of the city. It was beautiful. After turning left and right, going round round a bouts and up and down hills, we were finally... somewhere.

"Where are we exactly?" He doesn't say anything. He smiles, gets out the car, walks to my door and takes my hand.

"Just trust me okay." I nod and we walk through something and I could hear running water. I think we were near like a river or something. "We're officially here now." I look around and see a small campfire with blankets and pillows.

"Oh this is so cool." The waterfall was only small but it was still beautiful.

"I had to keep Hayes down here to make sure no one would come here and take our spot. He just left when we came though." I giggle. "Well come on, I have food in the picnic basket."

"I like the sound of food." We laugh and go and sit down on a blanket. He pulls out peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies and a cool bottle of lemonade. He pours me a cup and hands it to me.

"I hope this date will go okay."

"Nash this is already the cutest, amazing thing anyone has ever done for me. I already know it's going to go great." I smile and kiss his cheek. He smiles back at me and hands me a sandwich. I pull over the pillows and lay down on them looking up the starts. Nash lays next to me.

"So, I heard on the radio that there was going to be a comet shower tonight and I thought it would be cool to watch."

"A comet shower? I've always wanted to see one."

"Me to. Even better. I get to witness this with you." He holds my hand and I smile like crazy.

We talk for a while and eat our sandwiches and cookies.

"LOOK A SHOOTING STAR!" I point up to the sky and sit up. "Make a wish." I close my eyes, cross my fingers and squint my face. I couldn't think of anything to wish for. I already had all I needed.

"Babe you can open your eyes now."

"I haven't wished for something yet."

"You're missing out on this. It's beautiful." I slowly open my eyes and look up at the sky. It was covered in dozens of comets. Not shooting stars.

"Oh wow." I was so amazed at what nature could do. "It is beautiful."

"Just like you." He looks at me.

"You're so cheesy." I laugh and kiss him.

"I know I am." We have a small make out session until we pull apart gasping for air. He places his forehead on mine and I could see his dazzling blue eyes looking down into mine. "Blair?"

"Yes Nash."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile like crazy causing him to smile.

"Of course I will." He kisses me and I just laugh.

"Nash, this has been the best date ever."

"Trust me, I'm just getting used to what I'm doing on dates and they're going to be much better than this. I'm just an amateur at the moment." I giggle. "Well shall we get going? I'm sure you have an early flight in the morning."

"Actually I don't leave till the evening."

"Well then. We could stay here for a little longer or we can go back to my place and watch a movie or something."


"I am a little tired. I'll probably fall a sleep." He stands up and we start packing up. We put everything in the car and then go back to his place.

I change into something of his and use a comb to brush my hair. I jump into his bed which was so comfy.

"Which movie?" Nash comes in with a stack full of dvd's. I go through them all and find The Lion King.

"This one."

"You're such a little kid." He laughs and puts it in the PlayStation.

"Yes but I'm your little kid."

"Yes you are." He gets under the blankets next to me. I lay on his chest while we watch the movie.

During the part of Timone and Pumba finding Simba, I slowly dozed off.

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