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He gently kissed my forehead and moved away. I watched him in reluctance, a lovely smile played on his lips. He asked me to close my eyes. After a moment he requested me to open them back. As I looked forth me, Amarion was on his knees with the loveliest rose I had ever seen, in his hand. My eyes gaped for the hundredth time.

"The day I heard your voice, I knew I was prone to fall but that didn't hold me back" he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

"I always believed that there was someone beautiful out there, waiting for me. But I had never thought her beauty would be to this extent. Both in appearance and spirituality. When I looked into your eyes for the first time, I knew that it was you I had been looking for. It didn't matter to me if you were broken or had forgotten how to love. I knew I could invigorate you. It was as if you're eyes were asking freedom, a freedom that you would receive in my arms. You were always voiceless yet I could hear your heart screaming. You were afraid of falling but little did you know that you had already fallen. To be honest, I had somewhere lost hope that you'd ever love me back. But a part of me believed that you were impeding your feelings and I did feel guilty for prying it. But I must say you are very strong for the walls that you had built were difficult to bring down. I tried everything to win your heart but perhaps I had forgotten it was in pieces. It needed to be fixed and not won. So, I decided to gather those fragments and frame it but then again I forgot that warmth was what it missed. And the fire that I had always known to be drastic, ignited a spark and illuminated the dark corners of your heart. I could see how passionately your soul incriminated in my love. You finally became liberated from yourself. Since then, I learnt a lot of things from you. Especially, that the little things are to be taken care of because the bigger ones are big enough to be noticed. Like the little emotions that hide in your eyes and the short words that almost form on the tip of your tongue, the small smile that appears on your face and the tiny tears that get collected in the corners of your eyes. Those little things and small hopes are to be looked after. And I have no words to appreciate you for saving my life, for giving it a purpose and to adorn it" he said while still holding out the red rose. Tears had started to form in my eyes, threatening to spill any moment. I was far more than speechless.

"I've been wondering since that fateful day that I hadn't expressed my love to you like I should have. So, my Amour will you always be by my side? Will your highness accept the love of this pauper? Will you be mine? Because I love you, now and forever" he continued making the tears roll down my cheeks. I moved my hand forward to take the rose and whimpered. The tear dripped from my cheek on the petal, forming a dewdrop.

"See, you make everything more beautiful" he pointed at the rose and said.

"I love you too" I managed to say. My voice had become weak and my lips were quivering. I had never ever thought that someone would appreciate me and love me in such a boundless way. I had always thought that it was just a dream to have a person like I wished for but he was more than I had ever wanted. He really was an angel. And I'd be a fool if I leave him. There would never be a companion better than him.

"You're the one who is beautiful" I said and gazed into his eyes.

"Will you always love me like this?" He asked with hope shining in his hazel eyes.

"No" I replied and held his hands.

He looked up at me like I had just broken his heart into a million pieces.

"My love for you will keep growing endlessly" I whispered with my eyes still watery.

He didn't say a word but quickly hugged me. His arms wrapped around my waist and his head rested on my belly. I placed my hand on his head and smiled as I looked below. He was silent but I could feel every thought of his.

I grabbed his shoulders and said "that's not your place".

He looked up at me and I gestured him to get up. He stood up and gazed at me, trying to comprehend what I meant. I engulfed him into a hug. My arms wrapped around his neck with the rose in one hand and he placed his hands on my waist.

"This is your place where our hearts beat the closest" I said in his ear and I knew he was smiling. It was one of the best moments of my life. We remained embraced for a while and then I pulled away while complimenting his song. But as I looked at his face, there were tears in his eyes.

"Aww, why are you crying?" I asked as wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me back.

"Because I've never felt more loved" I replied while giggling.

"Never have I" he said and beamed. And that smile literally melted my heart into an ocean of love.

"This surprise was most alluring thing ever" I said as I kept my hands on his chest.

"I'm glad you liked it" he replied as he gazed into my eyes.

"Like is not even the correct word!" I exclaimed.

"Then what is?" He asked as he wiped the tears that had begun to stain my cheeks.

"I hearted it" I said.

"I love the way your lips move while you talk with excitement" he whispered and I knew what he meant.

"Want a return gift?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not very polite but yes" he replied and brought me closer.

I leaned forward and gently pressed my lips on his. The only reward worthy enough for his lovely efforts.

MY SECOND BUT TRUE LOVE #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now