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My head was spinning and I had no idea what was going on. All I knew was that I needed some serious sleep. But the bumpy road wouldn't let me. I felt like puking any moment. I just prayed we reached home soon.

Well, want to know what got me into that dizzy situation? And what exactly had happened?

After the dinner I was indeed tired and fell asleep real quick. The next morning, I was told that we were going to the corniche and would leave for home from there.

I then suddenly realised that I had just an hour to get things done. I packed the bags and rushed for a shower. While bathing I reminisced my precious moments with him. A gasp escaped my mouth when I remembered that last night I didn't think about him at all. It was strange and some how a progress. But my mind was back to its habit. My ears echoed with his seductive voice. I could feel his touch on my waist and his kisses on my neck. I could hear his heavy breathing and his voice saying my name. "Move your hands" he had whispered and bit my earlobe.

I opened my eyes and shook the thoughts out of mind. The moisture I had produced caused me to regain my senses. I quickly completed my bath and got dressed.

It was almost time to leave. I gazed at the closet. One look wouldn't hurt anyone. Oh! It would hurt me of course but why do I care for my feelings? I unlocked it and smelled the fabric. It didn't't have much of his scent but that was better than nothing at all.

We left the house and my imagination kept on visualising him in every corner of the flat. I really missed him. I wished I had confessed a little earlier. It was not like that would have gotten us together for good but at least I would have received some more of his time and company. Sigh.


I loved beaches. I could stay there alone for long. The cool breeze and the moist smell made it even more soothing. I always pictured us holding hands and walking down the beach.  Walking barefooted on the soft sand and embracing each other under the dark sky whilst the stars shine brightly. Our kiss getting passionate with the growing aggression of the waves. How lovely! How dreamy!

"How fake!" Added my subconscious.

I ignored but then agreed when the corniche came to my vision.

The place was entirely crowded. All I could see was people, people and only people. Figures running, standing,  sitting,  relaxing, talking, yelling. I already hated it.

Dad dropped us off and drove away to find parking space. I gulped and stared at the crowd. I really didn't like being among so many strangers. I mean inspite of so many people around I'd be alone. I couldn't even stand near the shore and feel the calmness of the wavy sea. It would've been awkward if I went and buried my feet in the cool sand and gazed consistently at the movement of the waves, feeling the soft breeze on my face while my eyes were closed. Everyone would think that I was some kind of lunatic obsessed with the large water body. Even imagining the situation was weird. How embarrassing it would be if I actually did that? Although I'd love to.

After exploring the entire seating area, we found an appropriate place. The adults began their boring family talk and the children ran for the playground. And I was left to myself. In case, I joined the grown ups, I'll end up bored or probably they'd want me to leave. The children's area was not calm. I wanted to go and cross the railings which separated the public place from the sandy shore.

"I will to sense the mesmerising spirit of peace that dwells among the wildly wrathful yet serenely sober marine tides" I thought to myself.

"Stop dreaming!" My subconscious yelled.

I decided to follow the kids. They shouldn't have been on there own in that rush anyways. I moved around them and made sure that no one troubled them. After exhausting my feet, I left the rest of the children and focused on my little cousin as she was the youngest. Swings, slides and see-saws. She rode everything yet she willed more. I unwillingly took her to another section of the playground. I took a seat at a nearby bench which provided a safe view of my sister. Whilst moving my eyes around, the thought of the little girl from last night hit my mind. And the guy...

"Hahah" I heard a guffaw. I rushed over to my cousin hoping that I wasn't too lost in my mind. She gave me a grin and ran after another girl. Luckily, she wasn't hurt but the other girl seemed familiar. I would tell who she was if only I could see her face.

I was too tired to play 'tag' with the girls. I went back to the bench.  A girl of about my age appeared near the slides and glared at me. At first,  I thought that she was just looking but no one looked that long. I stared at her in order to freak her. Instead she lowered her vision to my bag. Oh! That's what she was glancing at. My purse wasn't that stylish or appealing. Was there something familiar?  I tried figuring the possibilities of the girl's stalking but nothing made sense. I finally looked away and ignored her.

While I searched for distraction, I saw the same hopping pony I did the other night. I was pretty confident that she was the same girl. She was holding the hand of a guy who was wearing a hood. I tried catching a glimpse of his face but I failed. A group of feisty guys blocked the vision. I sighed and focused back on to my sister. I had no idea what I was doing. Staring at random people and being stared at by strangers. That trip couldn't be any more awkward.

The little girl joined my cousin but as they were on a distance, her face wasn't still visible. The group of those guys had left. I quickly turned to see the guy who was standing there earlier but to my dismay he was gone.

I blinked and titled my head sideways. My whole body was aching. And the 'staring game' just wore out my eye balls.

The same guy whose face I wanted to see was standing a little far from my location. To my surprise, he was standing with the strange girl who had been glancing at my bag or maybe even me. I really wanted to go and ask her why was she doing so. But that time, she was pointing at me and my bag. The guy nodded and gazed back. I'm sure that my face wasn't clearly visible because I was wearing a scarf. The two of them appeared to be in a deep conversation. I didn't will to race my curiosity further so I called out my cousin. She came running and agreed to leave. I shot a last glare at the two of them and was surprised when the little girl joined them.

They were at the same building last night? What's with them staring at me? My head was paining due to lack of sleep and over thinking. I stopped straining myself and headed back to the adults.

We had dinner and gladly it was time to leave.

We said our goodbyes and sat in the car. My cousin sister was on tears.  She didn't want me to go. I sadly smiled at her and waved.

I couldn't think straight.  My brain was extremely exhausted.

As we left the city, my thoughts went back to him. I closed my eyes and all I could see was him, his clothes, his texts and our moments together.  If only he knew how much I missed him.

I tried shaking the reminders off my mind and concentrated on sleeping. Nothing worked. I was left wondering about the alien events and the ones which I had by heart.


As I drifted off to sleep, the road got bumpier and I ended up nauseous. I stared at the stars and waited for us to reach home.

MY SECOND BUT TRUE LOVE #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now