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I was so excited. It finally was the day when Amarion was going to step into his dream for real. He wouldn't be hiding his enchanting voice anymore. Everyone would know of the melodious treasure he was.

The show was big budgeted and they were looking for fresh talents. Amarion suggested me to give an audition too but I laughed it off. He was the king of crooning, compared to him and the other talents out there, I was a pauper.

I told mom that Jade was coming to pick me for a hangout. I did feel bad for lying so regularly to mom but I had no choice.

While I was reading the texts from Amarion, the door bell rang. Mom attended it and had a small talk with Jade. I quickly slipped into my sneakers and rushed outside with Jade.

"Take care" mom yelled.

"You too" I said and jogged to the car.

A smile appeared on my face as I saw Amarion in the car. My heart was beating faster and there were butterflies in my stomach. It happened every time I saw him. He opened the door for me and I quickly sat inside.

"Hey" he said and I engulfed him into a hug.

"I missed you so much" I murmured as I buried my face in the crook of his neck.

"I missed you too" he replied and kissed my cheek.

I pulled away slightly, my arms were still around him. I leaned in and kissed him, the moment I had waited a week for. He welcomed the kiss and stroked my lips with his tongue, showing how much he had missed it.

I was so lost in the kiss that there was nothing I knew.

I opened my eyes and pulled away in embarrassment when Sean cleared his throat.

"We're here too" both of them raised their hands.

"The steering wheel" I yelped when I realised that the car was moving and Sean had removed his hand from the steering wheel.

"I've got it" he said while chuckling and placed his hands back where they should have been.

"Sorry and hey" I replied in a hushed tone.

"It's okay, we were enjoying it. But because Sean is driving and you both were tempting him" Jade started speaking but Amarion spoke out.

"Okay, okay" he said with annoyance. I moved away but he pulled me closer.

"They're watching" I whispered but he frowned.

"So? I can walk while holding that hand of yours publicly. I don't care what people think. I love you" he replied and I smiled. My heart felt warm as I scooted closer to him. Our thighs were touching and my head was resting on his collar bone. I gazed at our entwined hands as he kissed on the top of my head.

"I love you" I whispered as I squeezed his hand.

He gently hummed the tone of his song for me and I felt at paradise. The beat of his heart echoed in my soul as I pressed my ear to his chest. I was in love with him irrevocably.

"Excited?" I asked as I ran my fingers on his neckline.

"More nervous" he replied and I giggled.

"I am sure that the judges will be nervous after they hear you" I said and he sniggered.

"I hope so" he replied and leaned in to kiss my neck.

"18+" Jade yelled and Sean chuckled.

Amarion glared at her and then smirked. He began placing wet kisses on my neck and I almost yelped.

MY SECOND BUT TRUE LOVE #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now