Chapter 7

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The man in the brown suit didn't move  for the first half of the plane ride. I had kept my eyes on him for almost an hour and he'd done absolutely nothing. A part of me started to think that I was just going insane but another part of me still firmly believed that this man was up to something. I couldn't explain what the latter feeling was, it just felt like my gut telling me the man was up to no good.

To settle my dispute, I turned to my brothers and whispered, "there's a man sitting two rows in front of us in the aisle seat with a brown hat. Does he look at suspicious to you?"

Both my brothers, trying to look as inconspicuous as possible, attempted to look around or over the blue seats in front of them to see the man. After they both got a good look at him, they faced me again and shook their head.

"He looks fine to me Emily," Ethan said. "You're probably just paranoid and accusing random people for it. He just looks like some normal guy going on some business trip or something."

"Now relax will you?" Jacob added. I nodded and leaned back in my seat.

My brothers were probably right. I was just trying to justify my paranoia by pinning it on innocent people. I wanted to look out the window right now but, unfortunately, I was sitting in the aisle seat so it was a little hard to do that.

Instead, I leaned back in my chair and began tapping my fingers to the best of a song. It wasn't any specific song, just one I was currently in the process of creating. I had started writing the song a few months back, but I was stuck on a certain part in the song. I just couldn't seem to get the right notes to go with the right lyrics. Whatever I tried to do just seemed wrong.

I looked up at the flight attendant as she stopped next to our seats with her little cart.

"Would you guys like something?" She asked in a voice that seemed all too cheerful.

"No, I'm good," Ethan answered.

"Same here," Jacob said.

"What about you?" The flight attendant asked me.

"Oh, could I just get water please?" I asked her.

"Of course." The flight attendant handed me a bottle of water, which I immediately opened. I took a drink of the water then set it on the chair table in front of me, not bothering to put the lid back on.

It didn't even last two seconds there. Right after the flight attendant left, some jerk walked by my seat, gently bumped it and knocked my water over into my lap.

I gasped, quickly grabbed the bottle and set it back on the table, screwing the cap back in this time. I looked back down at my pants. They were covered it water. It looked like nearly half the bottle of water spilled onto them. Which it kinda did.

I heard a small snicker from Ethan. I shot a glare up t him as the stranger walked away, not even noticing what he did. I sighed and got up out of my seat to see if the flight attendant had any napkins or something.

As I walked by the man in the brown suit though, I looked down at his briefcase to see 'Q AND T Inc.' inscribed onto a small bracket on the briefcase.

The rest of it happened so fast. The man in the brown suit pulled out a gun, opened his briefcase, revealing some intricate wiring and technology and a small red button. The man wrapped his arm around my chest, held the gun to my head. Everyone on the plane froze. The man did not do anything with the button in the briefcase yet but I could tell that the man wanted to stay close to it. It was almost as if he viewed the thing as a shield that would protect him from the people on the plane should they try to attack him to save themselves. Or me.

There was a moment of silence around the plane before everyone started freaking out at once, trying to help me or get the man away from the briefcase in one way or another. I just stood absolutely still, too scared o do anything. I looked over at Jacob and Ethan, who look worried to death. I could tell by their eyes that they wanted to help by using their powers. I shook my head just a little bit to advise against it. It wasn't worth it. They needed to stay hidden.

The guy holding me yelled, "everybody shut up and freeze or I will bring this plane down!"

There was immediate silence again which made me wonder why he hadn't already brought the plane down. Most of the time, with terrorists, they just automatically brought a plane down with no warning. So why had he not done that yet?

Ethan stood up and asked, "what do you want?"

Obviously he was thinking the same thing as me, wondering why we weren't all already dead.

"You," the guy snarled and I could almost see his face go dark.

I watched as even more worry and frustration passed over Ethans face. "Why?" he pressed on.

"There's somebody who wants to meet you."

"Somebody who wants to meet us?" Jacob asked. "What does that mean?"

"It means shut your mouth." The man scanned all the people on the plane then snarled, "Surrender now or die. And don't even think about using your powers. I don't want any funny business."

I didn't know how the guy knew that they have powers but I knew that Jacob and Ethan couldn't use their powers. Everyone on the plane would know about them if they did use them. And since they couldn't use their powers, there was only one thing they could do. Ethan and Jacob would have to surrender so these innocent people didn't die.

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