Chapter 28

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Axel watched silently as Quentin dropped Emily into the pool of eels. Axel didn't want to just watch yet another person die but it's not like he had much choice. He made a mental to himself to pay his respects to the Jacob and Ethan after all this though, as he actually rather liked the Vey children.

Axel clutched the e-reader in his hands and listened to the soft beeping emitting from it that told him how much electricity Emily had inside her. The device was actually originally meant to find other glows, like him, but now it could measure the electricity of Nonels to, since every human had some force of electricity within them. All Quentin and Tara had to do was force Ostin to do it for them.

Axel had been using the e-reader to tell when the people they dumped into the eel tank were actually dead, so Axel wouldn't have to fish them out to announce their passing. He was glad for it too as the months of having to do that were not fun.

The e-reader continued to beep normally as Emily fell, signifying that everything was going as planned with Emily. She was a Nonel, she had the electricity if any other normal human. In fact, she was so normal, that Axel had begun to question why Quentin ever thought she was electric in the first place. After all, it is impossible for a glow to hide their electric powers this well. Then, her body hit the water.

At the exact moment that Emily hit the water, the electricity that the e-reader was picking up spiked. The spike was so minuscule, insignificant and quick, that one had to be watching the E-reader to see it.

Axel's eyes widened. He knew for an absoloute fact that that was not supposed to happen. It never had before then. Axel glanced up at the tank but Emily was suspended in it just like everyone else. Just like normal He looked back at the reader too, but even that was fine now. The beeping was even beginning to slow, signifying that Emily was dying, that her brain was already shutting down as her lungs filled up with water. Yet Axel knew what he had seen.

Axel looked over at Quentin but even he hadn't seemed to notice anything. Quentin had the stance that he always did when he was victorious. Or when he thought he was victorious anyway.

Axel knew he had seen something though. He knew it. The e-reader had never spiked like that, plus it spiked so high that if Axel didn't know any better, he would have thought the thing was picking up readings of the infamous Michael Vey, instead of Emily Vey. Whatever the spike was, it wasn't normal and it wasn't something someone could intentionally cause. He was beginning to think killing Emily may have been a mistake.

"Is she dead yet?" Quentin asked gruffly. Axel could tell Quentin was in a hurry to get out of here, as he always was. Quentin didn't like staying in one place for too long, especially when it was just a measly execution that had taken place.

Axel blinked at few times to snap himself out of his wonderment and nodded. "Yessir," Axel said as the e-reader stopped beeping altogether. "She just went."

"Good. And you'll take care of the body after the eels are done with her?" Quentin asked.


Axel silently watched as Quentin walked out of the room, half expecting the glow to suddenly spin around and yell at him for not reporting the random spike of electricity. Of course, he didn't. Quentin didn't know about the spike of electricity, and Axel intended to keep it that way.

It was up to Axel to find out what had happened. He had to find out why this e-reader had fritzed out.

Knowing he could take care of Emily's body later, Axel grabbed the blood that Quentin got from Emily during the tests and hurried up to his room. Axel's room was set up similarly to the lab, pristine and white with its of equipment set up, but Axel had to test Emily's blood on his own room. It was where he had the blood of all the original and new glows. Everyone except Jacob, Ethan and Raymond, now that he had Emily's blood.

Axel knew that Quentin and Tara had already studied Emily's blood, and that they didn't find anything but Axel believed that was because they didn't know what they were looking for. Having spent days studying the others glows blood, Axel did.

Axel added a drop of blood to a small slide then slid it under his microscope. Upon first glance of the Vey girls blood, there was nothing strange about it. Axel could spot similarities to both Taylor and Michael's blood, and there was no evidence of any special abilities within it.

Axel didn't give up hope though. He zoomed in closer and kept looking. He searched through the red blood cells first but there was nothing of importance in there so he switched to the white blood cells, the ones with DNA in them.

Axel continued to search through bits and pieces of Taylor and Michael's DNA, which made up Emily's DNA, until he found something. It was a small something but a something nonetheless. Something that shouldn't have been there.

"What is that?" Axel muttered. He started at the blood for another minute until something occurred to him.

Axel spun around and pulled out the drawer of his blood cabinet. He quickly scanned all the test tubes and plucked out one with an "N" on top.

Axel put the blood under the microscope and examined it.

"No way," he breathed victoriously. Axel looked at Emily's blood again just to make sure but the evidence was all there.

Axel looked back and forth between the two blood samples a few more time and grinned widely. Most children only have traces of two sets of DNA in their blood, their mothers and fathers, but Emily had three.

A third glow had somehow injected her white blood cells into Emily, and Axel guessed it was to hide Emily Vey's powers. The lightning in the pool, the random spike that the e-reader picked up — it was proof that Emily had something hidden inside of her. Something powerful.

Emily Vey was dead, but now, Axel knew her secret. Axel didn't know how and he didn't know why but Nichelle's DNA had been  inserted Emily's blood stream, and it's been what has been protecting her, or hiding her, this whole time.

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